The hospital stay: Chapter 17

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*Nessa and Christan are chilling in their hospital room, Nessa is holding baby boy and Heaven and Christian is holding Haven*

Nessa: Christan
Christan: yes?
Nessa: are you mad at me?
Christan: why would I be mad at you?
Nessa: because Aaron..... And umm you know......
Christan: no I'm not mad, you made a mistake, it wasn't on purpose, there is no reason for me to be mad at you
Nessa: ok
Christan: I love you Nessa
Nessa: I love you too Christan

*Christan gets up to kiss Nessa*
Nessa: did you want to hold him? You haven't held him yet
Christan: only if you want me too
Nessa: I do here *hands the baby to Christan*
Christan: he's so precious
Nessa: I know I really want to name him something meaningful but I'm not sure what yet
Christan: I'm sure you'll think of something 😊

*The next day Roni and Aaron come back to the hospital to check up on Nessa, when they get there Nessa is asleep with baby boy and Christan is holding the girls*
Aaron: hey Christan
Christan: hey guys good news they said the twins are healthy and they can go home today!!!
Roni: that's fantastic and how's baby boy? *Takes Haven from Christan*
Christan: they said he's doing great so far but they will have to keep him here for at least another couple days or so
Roni: aww well at least the twins can go home did Nessa pick a name yet?
Christan: not yet she's still thinking
Roni: oh ok
*Nessa woke up a few minutes later*
Nessa: oh hey guys when did you get here?
Aaron: like 20 minutes ago 😂
Nessa: oh how long have I been sleeping?
Christan: like an hour and a half
Nessa: oh ok
Roni: *whispers to Christan* has she been holding him like that all night?
Christan: yeah after you guys left I held him for a bit and then she's been like that all night
Roni: she's really scared he's not going to make it huh
Christan: yeah she really is

*A while later Nessa gets up and around because she is gonna take the babies home for a little bit, she finishes getting them ready and puts them in their car seats*

Nessa: Roni are you sure your gonna be ok with him
Roni: yes Nessa I'll be fine now go home and shower I'll see you in a little bit
Nessa: ok
*After she gets home*
Nezza: hey Nessa hows baby boy doing?
Nessa: he's doing good so far but they still need to keep him for another couple days or so but they said the twins could come home so I brought them home and I'm gonna shower and head back
Franny: you do that we will take care of them
Nessa: thank you so much guys we really wouldn't to be able to do this without your guys help
Nezza: now you go shower we got this
*While Nessa goes to shower, Franny and Nezza got the babies out of their car seats and put them in the swings I'm the living room*
Nezza: look at all four of em 😂 they are all so cute
Franny: you know what I just noticed
Nezza: what?
Franny: Roni's twins have brown eyes and Nessa's twins have green eyes
Nezza: oh they do that cute now I'll easily be able to tell the sets of them apart
Franny: 😂

*Nessa finishes her shower and packs a few things up to head back to the hospital*
Nezza: Nessa look how cute the four of them are
Nessa: awww now we just need baby boy to come home to fill the last swing 😊
Franny: yep and hopefully that will be soon!!!
Nessa: hopefully 🥺

*Nessa heads back to the hospital, when she gets there Christan is sleeping Roni is half asleep and Aaron is on his phone*
Aaron: oh hey Nessa
Nessa: hey is Roni asleep?
Roni: not yet 😂
Nessa: oh haha hi
*Nessa takes baby boy from Roni and sits down with him
*2 hours later Christan, Aaron and Roni have all left and Nessa is alone with the baby*
Nessa: hey buddy hang in there for me every thing will be ok I know you can do just stay strong I think I'm gonna call you Finian because your my little handsome warrior 😁
(Finian means handsome warrior)

*The next day Nessa wakes up to a machine making a loud beeping sound
Doctor: good morning Miss
Nessa: what was that beeping?
Doctor: not to worry we just took his blood pressure and it beeps after
Nessa: oh ok
Doctor: that beeping noise is telling us that his blood pressure is good, he is doing much better, so far the medication is working really well and if it keeps working you could be home in the next 2-3 days
Nessa: really?
Doctor: yeah
Nessa: thank you

*After the doctor leaves Nessa calls Roni*
Nessa: *on the phone with Roni* hey Roni guess what!!!!
Roni: what?
Nessa: the doctor said that Finian is doing better than yesterday and if he keeps getting better he could come home in the next 2-3 days!!!
Roni: that's awesome!!!! And is that his name?
Nessa: oh yeah I forgot I haven't told anyone yet 😂 yeah his name is Finian which means handsome warrior 😁
Roni: aww that's cute
Nessa: are you the only one who can hear me?
Roni: yes why?
Nessa: ok don't tell anyone his name yet ok?
Roni: ok I won't
Nessa: thank you
Roni: ok I'll see you soon love you
Nessa: ok love you too
Both of them: bye

*Over the next two days Finian has been getting better and better, he is off of oxygen and breathing ok his own, they decide to keep him one more night just in case and they decided to get him on the transplant list just in case things change in the future*

Doctor: are you ready to take him home?
Nessa: yes I can't wait
Doctor: 😂 only one more night and he can go home
Nessa: woo hoo

*The next day Nessa got everything packed up and got Finian ready to leave, Roni came to pick her up and they made it home*
*At home*
Nezza: NESSA your finally home!!!!!
Nessa: yeah and baby boy got to come too 😁
Franny: what's his name?
Nessa: go get everyone in here and I'll tell you
*They go to get everyone and Nessa puts Finian in the swing next to his sisters and cousins*
*When everyone is in the living room*
Nessa: ok so first of all I just wanna say look how cute they all look in the swings 😂 and second I want everyone to take a guess on what his name is and I guarantee no one will get it right except Roni because she already knows 😂
Nezza: Thomas?
Franny: Lucas?
Aaron: Jeremy?
Paul: Jake?
Wendy: Noah?
Christan: Jace?
Nessa: no 😂 none of you are right his name is let's all count down together
All of them: 3.....2.....1
Nessa: his name is Finian which means handsome warrior 😁
All of them: awwww

*The next week*

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