I want to cry..
I need to cry
I've been told its okay to cry
The damage was already done..
I'm too old to cry..
I have no reason to cry..
I'm not hurt physically..
The longest I cried..
Was probably 40 some minutes..
But now
I can't..
It'll just last a second..
Then I remember...
I'm too old to cry..
But I cried a lot.
Not for long..
Then thoughts go through my head..
"You're too old to cry"
"It's always your fault"
*Embrassing moments in my life*
"They don't care about you"
"Just die"
I normally mutter stop..
But it doesn't..
But why would it matter..
If no one cares
Why should I..?
Why can't I bring myself to cut myself..
Why can't I kill myself..
Making promises is the one thing I hate..
I hate breaking them..
Is that why I can't..?"They won't care"
"Why will they care now..?"
Разноеliterally telling you guys my problems because I found writing is a way to let out of my feelings.