Chapter 2

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Jazmeńe aka Jazz POV

I really gotta get my shit together i cant keep getting kicked out of these damn schools its not good for business i thought to myself as i was entering a new school. Here's my lil intro or whateva. Im Jazmene ( yazz-mean) rather be called Jaz (yazz) im 17 i have sum hoes just for entertainment 😉 Im willing to cut them off for the right girl but until then imma enjoy my entertainment.

 I'm walking in to the school looking for the main office than this fine lil short chic bumped into me she looked up and said "dios mio sorry" but she looked so scared like she just seen a ghost or sum. "Nah you good ma" i replied than she ran off. Okk??? i thought to myself.

Aliyah's POV

Did i really just bump into a lesbo "ew ew ew" i squealed in disgust. I grabbed Sasha and ran into the bathroom. "Did you see what just happened sis?" i asked " what you ran into a lesbo so what no biggy" she said like it was nothing. " What are you kidding me that's a sin i cant touch a sinner"i exclaimed

"so your perfect? besides god wouldn't want you judging no hay razón para juzgar (there's no reason to judge)  and you can't lie she was type cute shii might turn gay for ha ass "she replied. I cant believe she was standing up for that sinner shes supposed to be on my side but she was right i shouldn't be judging and she was cute ....wait what am i saying? "Whatever" i said in annoyance as i was walking out the bathroom door. 

Sasha's POV

Aliyah was being a brat about this. I get it we're supposed to be religious and all but doesn't mean we belittle others. I'm kinda tired of playing this half and half stuff i just haven't had the courage to tell her this but i will soon. If shes not understanding than that's on her hateful ass. Aliyah just walks off so i find myself going to homeroom great we don't have the same class until after lunch that should give her enough time to cool down. Fi sa a fou, SMH (that girl is crazy)

Aliyah's POV

ALIYAH MARIE PIERRE PLEASE REPORT TO THE MAIN OFFICE said a secretary in the office. Ok damn ain't need to say my whole government but ok i thought to myself as i was walking to the main office. I was surprised when i opened the door and saw that stud again ughhh. I walked in and one of the secretaries that was talking to that stud called me over. I slowly walked over and said "good morning Ms.Jackson" "good morning Ms.Pierre" she replied. 

"This is our new student Jazmene" i turned to face her and smiled she stuck her hand out and i reluctantly shook it.  " You are going to be showing her around the school is that ok Ms.Pierre? "asked Ms.Jackson "yes ma'am" i replied and smiled. " Ok than here your late passes and your hall passes" said Ms.Jackson we took them and said thank you in unison. We walked out although lesbians are kinda disgusting i took what Sasha said into consideration and started a convo with Jazmene i wasn't gonna stand there in complete awkwardness.

 "So Jazmene where you from?"

 i asked while looking up at her she was mad tall and her eyes were so beautiful for some reason i'm not afraid to make eye contact with anyone i just like it. "I'm from The Bronx but moved out here in Brooklyn" she replied "why you moved out here?" "cause i kept getting in trouble in other my schools so they just kicked me out i am smart just do dumb shit you know" she replied. "Actually no i don't know but here's the gym" i said while turning to the right . 

We finished the tour turns out we had almost all the same classes besides the third one, we talked a bit shes actually type cool but still wouldn't be friends with her because i don't want her to like hit on me or anything. I've dated this one boy but never really liked him just dated him because he was fine asl but that's literally it. I only have 4 classes so next is lunch than my last class. There's 10 mins till lunch am i still mad at Sasha? No but hopefully she isn't mad.

 Jazz POV

Aliyah was cool to talk to she knew how to keep good eye contact and it was not awkward. When she would look at me with her little innocent eyes it made me crave her but something bout her different she not like them other lil hoes she not fast at all. She got a lil attitude here and there which i think is cute cuz i know she not to friendly so when i make her mine....wait did i just say make her mine hold on there buddy your moving to fast now sloww your horses.

Sasha POV 

It's lunch time and usually Aliyah and I order food so i texted her to make sure she order food.

ME: You ordered food sis?

Sissy Pooh💖🤞🏼: Yeah it's coming in a few, i got you a rice bowl from chipotle that ok?

Me: Hell yea i was really in the mood for some chipotle its like you read my mind lmaoo thx boo 

Sissy Pooh: Lmaooo np sis

Man i swear i love her . I pack up my things to leave my favorite class it's my favorite because my teacher is sexy asl😻 anywaysss. As i'm walking out guess who i see walking out the office i see my sis and that stud talking and walking towards me i thought she said that lesbo's were weird lmaoo she really indecisive. I walk over to them and said " heyyy siss looks like you've made a new friend wanna introduce them" "hey babygirl and woahhh lets not rush titles now but i did met someone Sasha meet Jazz and Jazz meet Sasha" Aliyah replied. I waved and smiled at Jazz than we went to our usual eating spot and began to eat.

Sorry yall this chapter was mad long it had 1076 words oop

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