This job is a hell hole

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After many weeks of learning how to march and learn a marching show it was time for the first football game a day that's fun for most but a terror for others.
Gyro POV
Hells yeah the first football game of the year now I get to show my skills off to all the ladies again. He thought to himself. School had ended a few hours ago and after school practice went smoothly after he had out his stuff up he walked to go meet the rest of the drummers to talk about some stuff.
"Excuse me!" He heard the loud footsteps of someone running. He turned
"Oh hey y/n" she never answered and ran straight to the uniform room quickly unlocking the door. "What's the rush signorina?"
"New time!" She pulled open the door and quickly go to work.
"Where is the rest of your staff?" He questioned
"They will be here in a minute I hope" she said frantically. He didn't want to leave her but he had some work to do so he let her be but as he turned he saw erina and Abbacchio her other staff members walking to go help.
About an hour later
Gyro had returned a little later to check back up on her he just saw Erina with Jonathan eating their dinner and abbacchio with Bruno. He figured y/n would let him eat in the uniform room as long as he didn't mess anything up.
"what do you want!? We aren't open yet!?" he looks in the room to see y/n by herself trying to rearrange all the uniform bags.
"Hey y/n I just wanted to eat in here it's canes night if you didnt know."he was taken back by how angry she was he'd never seen her like this
y/n collapsed to her knees"i just wanna eat...everyelse went to go sat dinner with their dates and left me here..gyro can you please go get my food...?" he patted her on the back
"of course darlin ill be right back" and he left to go get the food.
He felt angry why would they leave her alone to do all that work.
he returned and gave her the requested food and sat across from her work station and started eating
"This is the best thing to happen all day" y/n spoke up taking a bite of her food.
"Really that's a low bar..I could make it better~" he winked
"Nope best thing right here " another attempt failed.
Both of their phones buzzed on the table."SHIT! I gotta get these uniforms out" she practically fell out her chair.
Gyro looked down at his phone.
"Uniform room is now open check is in 20 minutes let go it's game day-mr.kars" it was a remind sent to the entire band.
Gyro helped y/n start getting uniforms out until her staff finally returned
"Sorry that took so long y/n I had stuff to do" erina said softly.
"Whatever just help me with the shoe rentals" she handed her a clipboard.
"Gyro we got this you can head out."she turned to him offering a forced smile.
"Alright let me know if you need help." He waved and went to go get changed.
Your POV
"So you and gyro?" Abbacchio questioned as he helped some band kid rent a pair of gloves
"He's just a friend he helped out while you two where off sucking faces or something." She replied
"Whatever you say y/n" he chuckled
After all the uniform work had been done they locked up the room and headed to uniform check then the game.
The football game itself was a ok one their team "the killer cats" was one of the best teams in the state so of corse they did well. Band chants where cheered. A crowd favorite seemed to be one gyro had came up with, which was just us singing along to his pizza mozzarella chant.
The show itself went good no one died. We played popular songs and did these funny poses at the end that mr.kars insisted on for some reason.
Y/n was allowed to leave before the cleanup of the stands because she had the key to the building so she didn't get trash all over her that was the one upside of the job.
After the game things where not as wild. She told erina to go collect all the rented shows and gloves while Abbacchio was in charge of making sure everyone put their uniforms away correctly. Y/n stayed in the uniform room and waited she knew someone would come in and ask her too
"Hey y/n" she looked up it was jotaro.
"What is it jotaro?" She sighed.
"You know how to sew right." She looked him up and down with a 'are you kidding me look'
"Yes I know how to sew what did you do?"he didn't say anything in return he just pushed his arm threw a large tear in his pants."fine hand them over" she snatched the pants out of his hands and began to write his tailor order.
Gyro pov
I walked to go see y/n to let her know to wrap up so we could dismiss but I saw jotaro leaning against the doorframe.' What is he doing here' he knew jotaro as a ladies man who got any girl he wanted. Gyro was no different but he'd never admit that.' Why is HE talking to her?' He glared at jotaro as he walked away.' Damnit I don't own her why do I keep thinking like this she's just another girl'.
As he mentally yelled at himself he saw and exhausted y/n walk out the door and lock it behind her . She looked at him
"Please don't tell me you forgot to put something up..?"she sadly looked at him.gyro raised his hands defensively
"Nope not at all I came to tell you we are dismissing for the night"
"Thank god I'm so tired." She sighed and started to walk towards the band room.
" what did Kujo need?"he asked quietly embarrassed
"Just a tailor he ripped his uniform again.."
"Alright cool" he mentally cheered.
The two walked to the band room together. When the walked through the door they where met with Johnny
"Hey lovebirds!" He waved at the two
"What?" Y/n replied too tired to think straight.
"Nothing nothing!" Gyro frantically shot back shooting a glare at his friend.
"Oh ok.." she didn't even have her eyes open fully.
"Good game tonight guys see you tomorrow for competition day!!" Mr.kars spoke.
Gyro completely forgot they had a full days trip to leave for a competition the next state over. Maybe this be his chance y/n and him where on the same bus he could sit next to her or something. He would think of a plan tonight.

To be continued===>

Late night bus ride ( Gyro Zeppeli x reader ) modern au Where stories live. Discover now