Competition day [pt2]

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All the kids started to load onto the buses
Gyro POV
I was on the third bus in line along with Johnny and y/n ,thank god ,I walked up to Johnny while all his stuff got loaded" I'm gonna try and sit with y/n if that's ok Johnny"
"Yeah it's whatever just don't get caught doing anything unsanitary" Johnny replied "I was gonna sit with rina anyway, we can just sit together when they split the buses"
"Sounds good Johnny boy." I looked up to see someone run up to y/n I did recognize the other girl so she more then likely not in band I went up to her."hey, these buses are for band kids what are you here?" While all the other kids wore the same purple shirt with the band logo on it, this girl was wearing a red beret a brown jacket black overalls and a yellow stripped shirt definitely not the outfit for marching.
"Well excuse me? I'm Angela primrose Morioh high school yearbook, and news team I'm here to record YOUR marching show and take YOUR action shots" she held up her badge and camera.
"Well I'm sorry"I looked down she certainly belonged to be here.
"As you should be I'll make sure not to get any coverage of you" she shot at me. I heard y/n giggle
"Come on y/n let's get on the bus." She turned to y/n.
"Alright" y/n followed Angela on to the bus and she was gone.
'God damnit!' I cursed at myself. This was my chance and I lost it to some stuck up reporter chick. I got onto the bus and looked around for a place to sit I already told Johnny I was going to sit with y/n so he's sitting with rina everyone else seemed to be sitting with someone except oh shit. Diego brando that stuck up asshole had the only seat without someone else in it. So reluctantly I sat next to him.
"Seat taken" he said before I even sat down.
"Sorry dude no it's everyone else has a seat except me so I need to sit move over" I tried to push him to move over.
"No this seat is reserved." He shot back. Stupid saxophone player thinks he's better then everyone else.
"Who's it reserved for anyway?"
"The photographer she was supposed to sit with me." I mentally face palmed.
"Look over there" I pointed a few seats back."she's sitting down already" he looked over the seat to see Angela and y/n looking back at us and laughing. He groaned.
"Fine" reluctantly he moved over.
"Don't get your panties in a twist it's just until we make to the breakfast stop." He did answer this time and attention to the window.
I looked back at y/n she had already set up to take a nap and cuddled up in a blanket. She looked so cute and peaceful god how I wished that would've been me next to her. Johnny was so lucky he had a girl who liked him for him. Sure gyro had options but it was only because he was well built and a drummer. Y/n oh she was different she didn't look at him the same. Heck she threw several articles of clothing in his face the second time they met. Her face was so beautifully shaped god it drove him insane. The image of him taking y/n on a long ride on the back of Valkyrie was all he wanted to see her h/l hair flowing in the wind.
Y/n pov
Before we knew it they everyone was woken up and told to go get breakfast. Everyone was groggy and hungry and with around 100 or so band kids in a small McDonald's you couldn't help but feel bad for the workers who had to feed all of them.
I got of the bus while chatting with Angela. I knew her from chemistry class and she was pretty cool.
"So then I tell him 'what do you mean it's not good enough we got the best part'". She was telling me the story of how she got a racer falling off their horse On video. "Jeez I can't believe how stuck up horse racers can be" she sighed.
"Aren't you dating one?" I asked.She just turned her head in embarrassment. I thought back to Johnny and gyro. Gyro said something about the two of them racing horses they didn't seem too stuck up well at least Johnny didn't.
We made it inside and got in line to order food.
"What are you getting?" Angela turned to me.
"Probably just some pancakes you know how it is."
We both ordered and got our food.
"Hey I'm going to go sit over here I have to do some check ups on my equipment while I eat." Angela said pointing to a corner.
"Alright" I agreed and looked for other people to sit with. I saw gyro and Johnny at a table and made my way over to them.
"Hey mind it I sit here?" I asked
"No go ahead." Johnny answered.
"Looks like you had your coffee Johnny." I sat down next to gyro, and started to eat my food.Most of the meal was eaten in silence a some banter between us was all before we had to head back to the buses for the second leg of the trip.
I went to go sit with Angela again.
"Oh y/n sorry I'm gonna sit over here I was supposed to when we first got in but I forgot." She sat down with Diego I never knew why she dated him he seemed like such an ass but that's none of my business. I sat down in an empty seat and waited for us to head out
Gyro POV
I walked back in the bus after helping Johnny to see my seat occupied by that reporter girl, I got excited. I looked for y/n to see she was sitting alone.'score!' I thought to myself and walked over to her seat."do you mind?" I gestured to the empty seat.
"No go ahead." She scooted over leaving some space for me and I sat down. "Sorry I was sitting with Dino face over there but someone stole my seat" I gestured over to my previous seat.
"Yeah I never understood those two" she laughed.
I sat down next to her.
"Hey wanna listen to some music?" I held up one half of an earphone.
"Sure" she grabbed it and placed it in her ear."woah abba?"I blushed at the comment I forgot I had that playlist on.
"Y-yeah I can change it." I was a stuttering mess 'god now I don't look as cool'
"No keep it on I love this album" she smiled and nodded her head to the beat. The bus started to move as we listened to the sounds of catchy music.
I noticed her yawning. It was still early and o could tell we where both tired. She laid her head on my shoulder. Without thinking I put my head onto of hers. What harm could it do?

To be continued ===>

Late night bus ride ( Gyro Zeppeli x reader ) modern au Where stories live. Discover now