Jealousy & Jack Daniels

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PAIRING:  Dean/Avery (OC)/Sam (unrequited)

WARNINGS: language, alcohol use, mild violence, mild assault, bitchy!Jo Harvelle, character death

EPISODE: Everybody Loves A Clown



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The three of them quietly stood together, with Avery leaned against Dean's shoulder, while she held tightly onto Sam's hand

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The three of them quietly stood together, with Avery leaned against Dean's shoulder, while she held tightly onto Sam's hand.  The three of them watched, as John's body burned on a pyre, sending him off into a Hunter's Funeral.

"Did he," Sam choked, tears sliding down his face, "did he say anything to you?"

Dean kept his attention on the burning pyre, a lonely tear sliding down his cheek.  The angry red scar on his forehead was more prominent than ever.  He contemplated his answer before giving Sam a, "no, nothing."

Avery looked up at Dean furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.  John definitely said something to Dean that day; he whispered it into his ear.  Avery saw it with her own two eyes.  What the hell was he hiding?  But instead of ruining the boys' farewell to their father, she kept that to herself, as she turned her attention back to the pyre, leaning further into Dean, and giving Sam's hand a small squeeze.

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