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*Yep I totally lost my sanity with that meme bein stuck in my head.* 

*Mention of bullying and insecurities if you aint oki with em dont read this chapter.*

Noya had always love eating popsicles even at the winter he eats them. After practices he always buys popsicles with you and ofcourse for you. It became a habit and a daily routine now.

You've known Nishinoya since middle school so you gotten used to his popsicle loving addiction. And apperantly soon enough your gonna have he same addiction if he's gonna keep buying you popsicles after practices.

So thats why you have been refusing to eat anything sweet so he wont buy a popsicle for you sometimes you even go home first not waiting for him nor the practice to be over.

You always watch them practice and helping out kiyoko too. But no your not a manager. You just like hanging out with the boys and watchig them play.

The idea always came to you and Nishinoya along with Tanaka and thier supportive energetic kouhai (idk if i spelled it right) hinata always bug you about it. The 3 keep telling you to be their manager. But you always refuse.

You see...you have your high insecurities and low self esteem to blame for it. Kiyoko their current 3rd year manager is a hot damn babe and has no problem over having many guys and girls attention well probobly better to say fans of her own.

Shes all that you're not. The guys are good lookig too with exceptional amazing talents and then theres you. Your insecurities always fueled up just thinking about being a part of them.

People talk and people judge. Unlike Nishinoya who have no absolute problem with judgement and prefers being blunt about almost everything. You dont like it. Prefer being isolated and invisible is more your cup of tea.

It was tuesday and you were at the library studying for the upcoming test while waiting for noya since your the one tutoring him. And my oh my wouldnt you believed what you heard. 2 students were talkig on the other side of the shelf you the aisle next to yours.

"Hey who was that plain ass nerd again?"

Said a voice

"You mean that y/n girl that always hangs out with Noya-senpai?" Siad another voice.

"Yeah that one. Do you think she likes him?" Said the 1st voice

"Idk but probably I mean who wouldnt like him." 2nd voice said

"Yeah but you know I like him too. I just hope she doesnt. I mean she doesnt even deserve to be around him she's probobly just boring him." The 1st girl said.

"Well hey opposite atrract each other." Said the 2nd girl

"Whacha mean atrract each other they dont match up at all and noya senpai definitely deserve someone better."

Fuck it

You cant handle it

No not again

Not after you escape them

Clenching your fist and putting a hand on your mouth to silence your sobs you walk out the library not bothering getting your stuffs.


It happened again

Do you really dont deserve him

Everydamn time you and noya are together you can hear low whispers saying your not good enough for him or you dont deserve him. You just want them to stop.

Minutes pass possibly even hours. You just sat there under the tree you and noya met.

Noya has always been confident and straight forward specially childish. Noya treated everyone equally he doesnt give special treatments maybe sometimes but not always. So why do others get jealous...why do they think those stuffs...has noya ever even been bias before?

You thought about his actions comparing them. Well he does treat you maybe a lot more sweet than he does to others. Well who cares its not different from before and your use to it. The world is just like that. Its not like you can stop yourself being noya's friend. You know you cant. Never really know why you judt know you cant. Its like a something just keep pulling you to him.

You even feel a little special knowing he treats you a lot different than the others. He always treat you out to dome popsicles dare you say its like small dates?

No no no

You 2 arent anything so it couldnt be right? Its just hang out times. Well you did stop accepting the treats well more like the popsicles he keeps giving you. But he wouldnt take that the wrong way right?

You checked your phone. Practice is almost over maybe you should wait for noya so you 2 can head home together like always  Or should you just go ahead without him.



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