1- Sun Kissed

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"Wake up bitch." I half groaned and half laughed at my cousins wake up call and threw my pillow at her.

I slowly dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom.

I showered and threw my hair into a messy bun and pulled on cuffed sweat pants and a random loose top.

I made my way down stairs to breakfast and jumped in the car for the long undesired ride to the airport.

I'm Alexis. I'm sixteen and I'm from Omaha, Nebraska. Today is my last day of summer an tomorrow I go back to school. Senior bitch.

All summer, technically winter, I was in Australia visiting my cousin.

But the winter wasn't really much different to our summer. Especially on the Gold Coast.

My goodbyes were tear filled and as I boarded the plane, I fell asleep straight away, dreading tomorrow.


"Sweetie. You've grown a foot! And your so tan. You didn't get sunburnt did you?" My dad said as he hugged me.

"No. Have you had much work in the shop?" I asked as he picked up my bag and lead me out to the car.

My dad worked in a repair shop. He'd taught me everything he knows and I spent most afternoon under the hoods of cars. We also did restorations on old cars and motor bikes.

"Yes, someone brought in a really nice old Harley the other day and I didn't want to start on it until you got back." He said, really excited.

I smiled as we pulled up to the house.

The shop was right next to our house and I was thankful for that.

I climbed the stairs of our house up to my room and started to unpack.

Who am I kidding? These bags won't get unpacked for months.

I opened my window and climbed out onto the roof and texted my best friend, Kylie.

Me: Back in town! What's new boo?

Kylizzle: Nm. Same old boring summer without you!!! Never leave me again.

Me: lol. No. I'm moving to Australia.

Kylizzle: Bitch pls you couldn't leave this chunk of sexy.

Me: bruh. Preach. You comin with me.

Kylizzle: But I gotta a boyfie.


Kylizzle: you'll find out tomorrow.


In the morning, I rolled out of bed and showered applying light foundation and mascara. I usually didn't wear any makeup but hey, it's the first day.

I pulled on a maroon hight waisted skater skirt and a black long-sleeved crop top. I straightened my hair and pulled it into a high ponytail. I also usually where sweats to school. But hey. Why not.

I walked downstairs to a note on the table.

Sorry honey, the office called me in early. I won't be back until six tonight.

Typical. Apart from the shop, dad works in an office thing.

I ate a quick breakfast and walked the short distance to school.

I got a lot of stares, but that's normal. Basically everyone in this school hates me. After the accident.

But these stares were different. Curious, maybe even jealousy. The hell?

I walked to my locker and dumped all my books in, apart from my math stuff.

Math first up. Shoot me.

All of a sudden, my locker smaller shut. Hoping it was Kylie, I turned, only to be faced with what I dreaded all summer.

Let the torture begin.

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