3- *Cough*

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Alexis POV

"Dad? Are you serious?" I asked.

"Sure sweetie. You know more than me and plus you hand is a lot steadier than mine for the artwork." He said.

He pulled the sheet away from the bike that was being restored. Dad was going to let me do the whole thing. The repairing, restoring and the pimping.

My jaw dropped when I saw it. "Is this a KHK 1955?" I asked.

"1956 but good guess, beauty isn't it." He said.

I jumped up in excitement.

I felt like today was going to be a good day. I raced upstairs and because it was kinda cold I pulled on a cream knit sweater and light wash skinny jeans. I slipped on Pool Green vans and walked to school.


Classes didn't seem to go quick enough and I'm in Physics class, staring at the clock.

I still had three more classes and lunch but I was eager to get home and start on the bike.

I had hardly seen Kylie, she doesn't even sit with us at lunch.

Our physics teacher, Mr Dane, is an ass. Especially to me. Even before the accident he hated me and my brother.

He also had seating arrangements, luckily I was next to Johnson.

Unluckily, Gilinsky was in front of us.

I was taking notes on the the forces in a car crash and flashbacks started to take over my mind.

Jimmy putting his arm her me, stopping the airbag from crushing me.

Gilinskys older sister in the road in a pool of blood.

"Alexis." Jack nudged me, worried.

"Right. Glad for you to join us Ms Jackson. Tell me, if two cars are colliding head on at full speed, what are the forces to a person wearing a seatbelt?"

This bitch.

I though for a moment and opened my mouth to speak when Gilinsky turned to me.

"You'd know all about this." He said, snickering.

I answered the question correctly, putting Mr Dane in the spot.


I was in math now, staring at the numbers on the board.

Cameron always sits next to me now and I've gotten to know him a lot.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom and walked out into the hallway and into the toilets.

I finished my business and walked back out.

I saw Johnson and Gilinsky walking down the hall and as they passed me, Gilinsky fake coughed. "Why don't you just kill your self?" He said, pushing my arm.

"Why don't you just back off?" I asked, stopping and turning to them.

They both turned, Johnson wide eyed and Gilinsky smirking.

"Because it's fun." He said, pushing me back.

I caught my feet and glared at me.

"Jack come on. Leave her alone." Johnson said.

"That would be great thanks." I said turning.

He tugged on my arm and yanked me around, so I was facing him.

He held me at arms length and looked at me through squinted eyes.

"No way. You need to pay for what your brother did."

This pissed me off so much.

"Maybe you new to understand that every girl in that car was drunk. They hit us."

"He was still going over the limit."

"And like you don't? Smoking weed and hooning around like a reckless idiot." I said, pulling away from his grip.

"At least I actually have a hobby, unlike you. You don't even have social life, just like your brother. Your brother was a coward, a jerk, an asshole."

"Isn't every seventeen year old boy?" I asked, turning again.

He tugged me again. "Jack, come on man." Johnson said.

"Your brother took away my sister. Do you know what that feels like?"

"You forget sometimes don't you, that he died in that crash as well." I said, letting him tug me around.

"Maybe it was for the best."

This bitch. This absolute fucker.

I stared at him, my teeth gritted and my jaw clenched. I balled my hands into fists and tried not to cry.

He seemed satisfied with my reaction and turned away.

Johnson looked at me sympathetically and turned as well.

No. This wasn't over.

"Oi. Jerk face." I said, tapping Jack in the shoulder.

As he turned, I slammed my balled fist into his jaw. As it connected, I felt an immediate pain in my hand and hoped the crunch was his jaw.

Johnson literally screamed as Jack fell to the ground, cussing and holding his jaw.

"One thing my brother did teach me was to punch. And it's fair to say, I don't hit like a bitch."

But, my moment that could've re written history, was ruined by my whole class seeing me punch Jack.

"Alexis. Johnson. Gilinsky. Principals office now!" Mr Dane yelled out the door.

I looked through the door and saw Cameron waving to me and fist pumping the air.

I smiled at him, made the rocker sign with my hands and walked to the principals office.

I didn't care how much it hurt for my right hand or how stupid I looked with my hands in the air like that.

I just punched Jack Gilinsky.

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