18- Sam Needs Tampons

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Alexis POV

After I had showered I went and checked that my dad had gone to work. He left a note on the fridge: Won't be back until 6- Dad.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out all the ingredients I needed to make pancakes.

I poured the milk and self raising flour in a bowl and all the other stuff and started to whisk the sloppy mixture.

I was working hard to get all of the lumps out, I didn't even hear Jack come down the stairs, until he wrapped an arm around my waist.

He planted small kisses on my neck and stayed attached to me as I moved around the kitchen.

I started to flip the cooking pancakes and put the finished ones onto a plate.

"Hey. Not yet." I grumbled smacking his hand away from the plate.

He chuckled and continued to leave soft kisses all over my neck.

I swear if I wasn't so hungry, we would be into a hardcore make out session by now.

I finished cooking the pancakes and set them on the breakfast bar.

I grabbed whipped cream and maple syrup.

"You cook pancakes good." Jack said, through a mouthful of pancakes.

"So good you forgot how to grammar." I said, laughing.

"What did you say?" He said firmly, lifting the can of whipped cream.

"Jack... I just showered. Please don't." I said, seeing him inch closer to me.

"Aw baby." He pouted putting the can down and attaching our lips.

My phone started ringing on the counter and I pulled away.

It was Sammy.

Jack look disappointed when I didn't continue kissing him and answered the phone.

"Sammy?" I asked, hearing him panting on the other line.

"Hey. Alexis. I have have a huge favour to ask?" He said.


"Um. Well, I'm not the type of guy to know everything about a girl and the way her body works and I'm currently in Walmart trying to find the right tampons for my mom."

I burst out laughing and put the phone on speaker.

"I'm not joking, my dads out of town and well she's monsturating. Could you please come to the mall and help me? I honestly have no idea."

I though it was sweet that he asked me.

But in the other hand, there is nothing sweet about tampons.

"Dude. Ok. I'll be their in ten." I said.

"Thank you so much." He said, the relief showing in his voice.

As soon as I hung up, Jack and I both burst out laughing.


"Why does she need big ones?" Sam asked.

"Um. Well you came out of her vagina." I stated handing him a pack of tampons.

"Could you buy them for me?" He asked. "I mean, I don't want to buy super tampons."

Jack was trying so hard to hold in his laughter as Sam handed them back to me with money.

"You owe me. Big time." I said, unclasping Jacks hand from my waist and walking towards a counter. The boys followed and waited near the bagging area.

"Super? For you age?" The Middle Aged lady from the counter asked.

I just smiled and tried not to stare at her weird mole.

"If I had two gentlemen like your lads I'm sure I'd need extra big at your age too." She laughed creepily as she handed me the bag.

I walked back to the boys slightly sick at what Margi had just said to me.

"Fucking run." I whispered, throwing the tampons at Sam.


After Sam ran inside and back out he literally dived into the back seat.

"I don't call it monsturating for nothing." He sighed. "Hey. For a thank you, I would like to paddle you." He said.

"Bro? What the fuck?" Jack said, twisting in his seat to face Sam.

"Like the paddle boat things. In the river. I could paddle for you while you I don't know feed each other strawberries or some shit."

"Pizza." I said.

We all agreed.

Pizza on a paddle boat. But not just any paddle boat. A paddle boat being paddled by the worst paddler.

But we didn't know that yet.


"If you didn't keep standing up maybe I could steer it." Sam panicked as the boat almost tipped for the third time.

We'd already lost the pizza and decided to leave our phones in the car.

Except for Sam, he insisted on filming our paddle boat adventure.

Which was gong nowhere.

I hated water and kept standing up because I though the boat was going to sink. It probably wouldn't help if I didn stand up but...

Sam was the weirdest third wheel on a date.

He eventually gave up and we were motionless on the river.

"Oh." Sam suddenly said, standing up from his deflated position.

"What?" Jack and I said in unison.

"You haven't like told your fans about Alexis yet have you?" He asked Jack. Jack shook his head and stood up in the small boat.

"What did you do?" He asked while Sammy stood up.

"I may have accidentally posted a snapchat story with both of you in it. Ones pretty funny actually it's when Alexis was screaming at the pizza and-"

"God dammit Sammy." I said, standing up quickly. Too quickly. The small unstable boat bobbed up and down in the water making me stumble.

I saw Sammy hold up his phone, recording and went to tell him to turn it off, but instead fell sideways.

I felt Jack reach for me but it was too late. I hit the cold water with a scream.

I can't swim for shit and freaked out. Only to find that the water on came to my waist.

"This has been a very eventful day." Sammy stated, nonchalantly.

Jack and I both glared at him. I was trying to look very mad, but as they later described, 'I looked like a drowned rat'.

That's one way to spend your one month anniversary.

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