Chapter Two

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If he was ever asked to make a list of the most bizarre thing that could have happened to him, Kenechukwu was sure he wouldn't have included young women with vanishing abilities and claimed connection to pagan spiritual powers.

Kenechukwu's eyes were shut tight and one of his hands was stretched towards Somadina. He looked like a wizard ready to burst out his spells only he was going to pray down the Holy Spirit on the demon that had made the mistake of walking into his house.

"I am the Lord's anointed, the chosen one of Jesus Christ," Kenechukwu stated and then he opened his eyes and locked them with Soma who was drinking from her bottle and looking at him with a degree of interest that sent irritation coursing through his veins. "You shall do me no harm."

Somadina said nothing. She relaxed into the chair and continued sipping from the bottle of Fanta, her eyes never leaving his. Kenechukwu's eyes were set on her. He wanted to watch her as the Holy Spirit descended and burn her to ashes.

"I bind and I cast you into the deepest depths of hell. You shall not see me. Jesus is with me."

Soma's brows knitted and the bottle of Fanta stopped just before her lips. "You're actually serious."

"I cast you into the bottomless pit of hell."

"Well done. Architect of hell. You're the one that designed it and made it bottomless."

"I rebuke you, daughter of Jezebel. Burn in hell," Kenechukwu prayed harder, refusing to be intimidated by the fact that Somadina was not being consumed by the fire of the Most High. People weren't immune to it; it was one of two things. Either the person praying has zero abilities to call on the fire, or the person being prayed against was innocent. Kenechukwu knew he was totally capable of summoning the fire of the Holy Ghost, but just because the fire wasn't here yet didn't mean she was innocent. He only needed to double his prayer fervency.

Somadina nodded her head thoughtfully, her ponytail juggling a bit. She drank the entire content of the bottle before placing the empty bottle on the table. She moved away from the table and Kenechukwu took it as a perfect opportunity to call on all the host of angels, particularly Angel Michael, to slay Somadina.

"May Angel Michael crush you like he did the devil. May you be consumed by the fire of the Holy Ghost. Burn! Burn! Burn in Jesus name," Kenechukwu felt his prayer was too extreme but he was on a roll now, stopping was not something he'd consider.

Somadina belched, cleared her throat and let out a piercing scream. Next, she threw herself on the floor and went ahead to squirm about in a way only people being consumed by the Holy Spirit could squirm. She scratched her body, her voice going louder than Kenechukwu's and then with a much higher octave, she screamed, "Fire! Fire! Stop the fire, I'll confess. I will confess. I will confess o. Just stop the fire."

Satisfaction coursed through Kenechukwu, it took everything in him to not abandon the prayer and scream yes. Kenechukwu prayed louder and with much more fervour. He kept binding and casting Somadina into hell, refusing to listen to her claims of having a confession. He didn't care about her confession. He wished the Holy Spirit would send the fire already and burn her to ashes. His eyes were trained on her and beads of sweat appeared on his face.

"Wait. Wai-wait. Is it that you didn't hear that I have a confession abi you just want to join the league of those that have bonded and casted someone to hell?"

Kenechukwu's prayer died in his throat. He watched Somadina carefully and with the way her hands rested on her waist it was obvious his prayers didn't affect her. He couldn't believe he couldn't pray down the Holy Spirit. Or maybe that wasn't it, maybe he wasn't properly equipped to rain down fire from heaven, Elijah style. He dismissed the thought of Somadina being innocent from his mind. He saw her disappear, she wasn't an angel, that's for sure and she definitely wasn't innocent.

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