Chapter One

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Cloe's POV

"I'm sorry Sean, it's just not working out," I said, praying he wouldn't make a scene.

"No baby! Please don't do this to me. I need you." He said, grabbing both of my hands. I freed them from his grip and took a step back.

"Here's your stuff," I said, freeing my hands from his death grip to grab the box filled with his belongings I slowly received during our relationship's duration. He looked down at me and then frowned.

"Please don't do this," he frowned as he took the box, and plopped it down onto the ground, trying to give me a hug.

"I have to. I lost all feelings towards you. We can still try to be friends after we've healed?" I said with a joyful smile, hoping to soften the blow of my words. He stared at me, giving me a passive nod as he retrieved the box and started walking back to his car. 'I can't be with someone who wants to know every little thing I do,' I thought as I closed my front door and leaned on it.

Quickly checking my phone, it showed that I had no new messages. I dialed Cristina's number, and put the phone up to my ear.


"Hey guess what?" I said more enthusiastically than I expected to.


"I broke up with Stalker Sean. He didn't take it too well, though. I hope we can be friends one day, I think."

"Oh my gosh! Finally! I always knew he was a creeper, but I didn't want to say anything because you seemed so happy to be with him," Cristina said quietly.

"Wow, thanks, but at least I was the dumper, not the dumpee!" I laughed.

"Ahaha, no. Do you think he'll be stalking you still?"

"I really don't know. I hope not, since It was terrifying when we were dating. I don't want it to be scaring the living shit outta me now," I said, panic filling my stomach with uncomfortable knots.

"Anyways, wanna hang out?"

"Sure, wanna go to the mall and shop for random stuff? Maybe hunt for cute guys?" Cristina practically sang.

"Okay, meet me there in ten minutes, I gotta get ready and stuff. See you there!"

Sean's POV

"I have to. I lost all feelings towards you. We can still try to be friends after we've healed?" Cloe said in a joyful way. Those words even hurt more. 'I lost all feelings towards you.' Those words echoed in my head. I stared at her, then gave her a passive nod, leading her to think I was okay with just being friends. This day just got a whole lot worse. I put the box with my belongings in my car, and walked around Cloe's house to where I could get a perfect spot of her room. I tried peeking from the grass, but her room was too high up. Thank God there was a tree right outside of her window. Struggling with getting up on the branch of the big tree, I caught my balance and watched her get ready. I heard her before, talking to her best friend, Cristina, saying they were going out, so I guess I'll investigate them.

Man, Cloe's so gorgeous. I'm still curious as to why my true love would dump me... Unless there's another guy in her life. I think I'm going to keep a close eye on her from now on. While thinking all this through, I saw her peer through her window. I stayed as still as possible hoping she wouldn't notice me. After a few minutes, she walked back to her mirror for a few seconds, then stripped into a bra and underwear. I saw it all. She looked the most sexiest I've ever seen her. Daydreaming about this, I looked back into her room and she turned off the light and vanished.

I heard her open her front door and as I did before, I stayed as still as possible. When she left to go to the mall, I waited a few minutes until I climbed down and went to my car and stalked her to her destination.

Cloe's POV

As I walked into my room, it felt like someone was watching me. I walked over to my window and peered out to see if anyone was there. I scanned the side of my house right to left. No one. I could've sworn I saw someone... Oh well it was probably my imagination, I told myself in order to stay calm. I put on some jeggings and my t-shirt with a cute panda eating some bamboo, put my shoes on and grabbed a purse. I took out a bus ticket, and headed to the mall. Once I got there, I scanned the mob of people walking throughout the mall, looking for Cristina's familiar face. Suddenly, someone came from behind me and grabbed my purse. I spun around to see Cristina, running away with it. I chased after her and once I finally was directly behind her, I jumped on her back causing her to fall. I grabbed my purse, and held it above my head in victory and yelled, "Victory is mine!"

All Cristina said while laughing was, "Get off of me you fatass. I was just playing, you didn't have to full out tackle me!"

"Sorry, I had to." I smiled in an evil way, as I stood up and helped her up as well. Cristina just stood there looking at me as though I was a stranger. I linked my arm in hers, and pulled her to Bath and Body Works. I picked up a random perfume, and sprayed it on her, "Take a hint!" I winked.

She picked up a cream, and started squirting it at me like a defense weapon, causing it to become a huge white streak on my arm. I screamed. "Eww! What the hell, Cristina?!"

She turned towards me and yelled, "Yeah Cloe, take a hint!"

We both burst out into laughter. One of the employees looked pissed as she started to approach us.

"Can you please stop acting like children? Buy something, or get lost." The employee said rolling her eyes, and walking away, still keeping a good eye on us.

I stared at Cristina and mouthed, 'PMS' causing us to both laugh hysterically. I was the first one to look outside the store, my laughter dying immediately. I grabbed Cristina's arm and in a low voice told her I had a stalker. She looked around the store and then looked outside the store too.

"Where?!" She whisper-yelled.

"Over there!" I looked in the direction of the stalker again, "Don't make it obvious that we know he's stalking me."

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