Chapter Thirteen

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I swear we've been walking in circles. Everything just looks like the same street we've been walking on for the passed three hours. I looked over at Trevor who kept his eyes on the floor, where he was walking. I looked back at the road, and then looked at our surroundings. Trees, trees, and oh- wait, more trees. A sigh left my lips, and I saw Trevor's silhouette look in my direction, through my peripheral vision.

"What's wrong?" He asked still staring at me. I can feel it.

"It feels like we're walking in circles, why don't we call someone...?" I suggested, then realized that we didn't even know where we were, so how would the person we called supposed to come and get us. We were definitely lost. L-O-S-T, LOST.

"I know, I hope we're not walking in circles though. We've been walking in the same place for what seems like forever. And even if we did call someone, how would they even come pick us up when we-"

"I know, I know... We're lost.. I can't believe it. I just wanna go home and wrap myself in my blankets and sleep forever," I complained, interrupting Trevor.

"Me too. No matter how tough I look on the outside, deep inside I have a soft spot. No matter how hard it is to believe," Trevor said, laughing a little.

"I wonder what Sean's doing in jail, like what exactly they're making him do right now..." I said, getting sidetracked with my thoughts. Thoughts about if he's still in jail or if he got out flooded my mind. I felt like a crazy person. I looked over at Trevor, who I assumed had a 'why-the-hell-are-you-talking-about-him-now' look, from him not responding.

After a few seconds, which felt like hours, Trevor finally spoke, "I honestly don't know. He probably got kicked in the ass by an old man or something."

"Maybe..." I said, my voice trailing off. As we continued to walk, a little 'voice' in my head continued to ask questions about Sean, and what he was actually doing in jail. Did Sammi break him out? Is he secretly gay? Did he find someone else to go hunt down? Did he get a longer period in jail because of what happened? I tried to stop the voice from asking all these questions, but I was helpless. Then I started thinking about Cristina and Tyler. Were they okay? Had someone kidnapped them too? I hope not.. I'd be devastated if Sean got her into this, even though she fucking kicked his ass so many times, in which I might add, love her for. I wonder if Tyler actually got to ask Cristina out like he mentioned to me. He was saying how he was too scared to ask her out because he thought that it'd be taking things too fast, and he didn't want to rush her into anything. I told him to wait a little longer, until she shows more signs that she wants to be with him. He said okay, but by the rate of our pace of walking in the never-ending street, I don't think we'll be home for a few hours, maybe days. But I don't think I could last that long without eating.. No matter how fat that sounds, I don't think I can live without food. Not like we have any water anyways, unless we want to go carefully walk down the steep hill that looked almost like a ninety degree angle, and almost die, just to see if the river down there has clean water to drink. YEAH, I don't think so.

"So..." Trevor said. His voice interrupting my thoughts.

"So...." I repeated, not knowing what to say to him. Things just got awkward. I looked up ahead of us, seeing as the sun was starting to rise. I pulled out my phone from my pocket, which read '5:02.' A sigh left my lips as I slipped it back into my pocket. I then looked up at the light that was flashing in my eyes. OH MY FUCKING GOD, FINALLY, SOMEONE TO ASK FOR DIRECTIONS... I started to wave my hands frantically at the car. I think the driver saw me, and rolled down his window when he reached Trevor and I.

"What are you kids doing here this early in the morning?" The man asked. I couldn't really tell what he looked like, but I think he was old because his voice was deep and rough.

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