28. The cold hard facts.

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Lucas woke up with a headache.
"From now on, there is nothing or no one who can cause me to move away from your side."
The memory of Dylan's words bit like acid in his soul. Wasn't he confronted daily with the opposite of the allegation? Their time together had been great. Dylan had been very open and really let him take a look at his thoughts and feelings. They formed a connection in a short time that he had always wanted and now was incredibly missed.
Lucas realized there was no guarantee Dylan would get his memory back, but Madeleine had seen through him flawlessly. His greatest fear lay in the scenario that Dylan got his memory back, but would reject the feelings of that time. Everything depended on the original reason Dylan had sought rapprochement. Coming to this point, he was as in limbo as Dylan. All in all, it was a pool of misery.

"So we went to a blood drive?" asked Dylan.
"Hm," Lucas nodded spearing a tender piece of meat to his fork. "You donated. As a practicing homosexual, I am not allowed to give blood."
He ignored the covert glances that Dylan threw around him to see if they were overheard. He also ignored the fact that the restaurant was deliberately chosen because of its location. The chances of them bumping into acquaintances here were nil. Obscure may not have been the right word, but it came close. Not that he complained, but this was their third date and he wasn't a step further. Sighing, he put the piece of meat in his mouth.
"And I could give blood?" was asked waveringly.
Dylan's lack of progress and continued unsympathetic attitude provoked an ill-considered response: "You were still able then."
As expected, Dylan paled.

This was the first time Lucas confirmed an intimate relationship. Until now, he had been frugal with the details and he was sure Dylan was also aware that this was intentional. Faced with the possibility of a sexual relationship with another man, the doubt was visibly raised.
"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all."
"Don't back down," said Lucas, who took the hesitation personally. "With or without memory, I can assure you that it has happened."
"Why do you think it's necessary to embarrass me like this?" Dylan hissed angrily.
Lucas calmly leaned back. "Is this asking about the familiar road?" he asked, nodding his head to the left. "You volunteered to tell me about Aiden and how you handled that whole situation. I don't think you've changed that much in essence." Dylan looked at him with a smile. "Did it ever occurred to you that I was suffering from a temporary breakdown? Maybe you hit me at a weak moment and you made a handy use of it."
The words sounded so bitter that Lucas took a sip of water to wash away the foul taste.

"You seem to be assuming that I'm the one who took the initiative. Completely unjustified, by the way. You were the one who seduced me."
A lightning storm ignited in Dylan's gray eyes.
"I was pleasantly surprised with your technique. If I didn't know better, I would have thought you had experience in satisfying a man's body."
The lightning storm developed instant into hurricane force.
Lucas could beat himself up. 'Why did I feel the need to bring this up?'
Like the previous times this subject was touched on, Dylan visibly raised his spikes, and Lucas braced himself for the backlash that would no doubt follow.
"I don't want to see you in the big house for the foreseeable future. Annika is coming to stay for the weekend and I want to go away with her and the boys for a few days afterwards."

The comment was meant to hurt and that's exactly what it did. The words and especially the intention behind it came to Lucas so hard that his body shrank painfully. In recent years, Dylan had repeatedly locked him out of activities he undertook as a father with his sons. This time the rejection came extra hard because Annika was added to the group. It felt, rightly or not, like an attempt to take away his family.
It made him see clearer than ever what he fought for. The petty attitude that Dylan so rejoiced in was a screen, a desperate attempt not to face the truth. If he ever wanted to be successful in changing this attitude, he shouldn't shy away from any means. After making his next comment there was no turning back, so he planned his retreat carefully.
"Then I wish you a lot of fun together. Maybe you can compare notes on how best to blow a man. Let's see if she has a different approach than you."
The last word had barely left his lips before he ran off like a hare.

Dylan cursed loudly, threw money at the table and stewed after Lucas. It wasn't until the parking lot that he managed to catch up with him. His hand closed around Lucas' wrist.
"What the hell!" he hissed. "Do you really think I let such a disgusting remark go?" He pulled Lucas closer. "Apparently I'm not the only one vague about the details of our relationship. You clearly seem to have forgotten what your role in this is."
With an elegant movement, Lucas turned out of his grip. Instead of taking a step back, he got closer. Nose to nose they looked each other menacingly in the eyes. "You're the one who started by stating your plans with Annika so blatantly. I thought it would be appropriate to pay you back with equal currency."

Dylan turned red. "You are a master at twisting the facts. You are the one who started by your persistent references to our so-called intimate relationship!"
Lucas kind of plopped with anger. After all his efforts to convince Dylan carefully, he was still accused of lying. Enough! He'd had enough.
"Facts? You want facts?" he hissed in deadly voice. "You are uncircumcised, eight long, 2 inches wide and hang a little to the left. There's a small and cute cluster of freckles between your balls and your hole. Your most sensitive spot is at the bottom of your spine. Here," Lucas pointed out, preserving his absolute asset to the last. "And when you come, your eyes will turn green for a few seconds."
Shocked, Dylan took a few steps back.
"Whoever bounces can expect the ball," Lucas said, turning his back on him.
This time, Dylan let him go without protest.

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