Clyde's Party

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                                                                                    Kenny's POV:

          Tonight was a night I've been looking forward to for awhile. Tonight was Clyde's big party he has been hyping up for weeks. Apparently his dad is out of town for the weekend so he had the bright idea to throw a huge party and invite everyone in our senior homeroom class. Obviously I was totally up for the idea and helped take part in getting everything ready for the party. I mean if he was paying then I could go all out with snacks for the party, And come on, there's nothing better than free food. 

          I got to Clyde's house early since I'm helping set up. At this point im just sitting around on my phone and browsing through Instagram.  "Yo Clyde! When's everyone getting here?" I yell from the living room into the direction of the kitchen, where Clyde is chilling. 

        "We aren't expecting anyone for another 30 minutes" Clyde haulers back. Ugh i'm so bored right now. As soon as that thought crossed my mind I hear a knock on the front door. I pratically jump from my seat.

        "I'll get it!" I skip over to the door and and quickly open it. To my suprise I see good ol' Butters smiling up at me. "Oh hey Butters"

       "Hey Ken! I'm here for the party Clyde was talking about!" Butters looks past me into the house. "Where is everybody else?"

       "Oh, well your a bit early so you're the first to arrive." I glance down at what butters is holding. He's holding a bag of Cheetos and a 2-liter bottle of Pepsi. His outfit is just as plain and sweet as always. He wears a oversized baby blue hoodie and some black jeans. Something about the way he dresses is refreshing in a strange way. He notices me staring. 

      "I brought snacks since Clyde was nice enough to invite me!" Butters smiles. He's clearly excited. "This is the first party I've ever been to! So when Clyde invited me I was super excited to come! I guess that's why I'm earlier than expected." Butters steps into the house as i let him inside.

      Oh no. Why didn't I realize this is Butter's first party? He's not exactly the party animal "living on the edge" kinda guy, y'know? He's going to be eaten alive in the hands of drunk partying teens. Looks like I'll have to keep an eye on him during the party tonight. Butters is the kind of guy you have to look out for, since he is pretty oblivious. But I dont mind, i've always looked out for him from a distance. 

       He's such an easy target for bullying so in highschool I've had to take extra care to make sure he wasnt bullied to much. Whenever I noticed someone picking on him its not like I stepped in and interfered directly. I usually wait until the bullies are alone to teach them a lesson. That way Butters dosent notice Im keeping an eye on him. That would be creepy right? I've been doing this since our last year of middle school. Wow has it really been 5 years? 

      "No worries I'm actually glad your here early. I was pretty bored honestly" I chuckle and step aside to let butters into the opening hallway to the house. The hallway is fairly big. Going straight leads to the kitchen where Clyde is preparing and the door on the left leads to the living room where I was previously waiting. To the left of the hallway is a staircase that leads well, upstairs obviously. And next to the staircase is a small storage closet that I've never seen Clyde open. I lead Butters to the living room and we take a sit on the couch.

     "That's good..." Butters nervously smiled at me. Damn this is really awkward. I might have been helping Butters from afar for a long time but honestly me and him never have face to face conversations anymore. Not to say that I don't want to have conversations with him! I just dont ever seem to get the chance. Now we have to wait with each other for 30 mintues until someone arrives to break the tension. 

     "Hey Ken?" Butters asks.

     "Whats up?" I try to keep a calm face.

     "I've been meaning to talk to you about something, but I havent gotten the chance since we never get the chance to speak to each other anymore" Butters nervously tugs at the sleeves of his Hoodie. 

     "Really? About what?" Shit.

     "Well first off I-" Butters is cut off by the sound of the front door bursting open. 

     "Hey losers!" Bebe Stevens bursts through the door, not even taking the moment to knock. "Huh? Wheres everyone at?" 

      "Bebe your like SUPER early" Clyde walks into the hallway from the kitchen. 

      "AWW really? Just because people arent here yet dosent mean that we cant get the party started!" Bebe nudges Clyde's arm. "Its the end of senior year damn it!" 

      Dammit Bebe. I was just about to have my first actual coversation with Butters since forever ago and here you come in to mess everything up. Butters nervously laughs, clearly upset that he was interupted but didnt want to cause a scene. After Bebe, people started coming a couple people at a time. After a while the party got started and people were already drinking crazy. I'll have to ask Butters about what he wanted to talk about later.

        I'd say there are about 30 people here which was a lot considering that out of the people in our homeroom class who could come, it was only about 13 people. I guess a lot of people heard about it and the amount of guests more than doubled. Everyone is kinda doing their own thing. Most people are in clumps just talking and enjoying each others company while they slowly empty their cans of beer. I told myself I would keep an eye on Butters so I'm in the corner just watching the party from afar. 

      "Hey guuyyssss!" And then of course Cartman walked into the main room and started yelling over the music. "I brought booze! Lets get this party in high gear!" Cartman set large cases of beer bottles on the table in the corner of the room. To nobodies suprise everyone rushed over to get their hands on the high quality beer.

      Ah what the hell. I make my way through the people and grab a bottle for myself. Its a party so its okay to let loose and have fun. Everyone is drinking at this point. I feel bad for clyde since his house is likely going to be a shit show after tonight. Good thing his parents are out of town. 



Bunny "Seven minutes in heaven" South Park (Butters x Kenny)Where stories live. Discover now