An interuption

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Kenny's POV:

After a long and passionate kiss we both pull back and stare into each others eyes. Not saying a word for a moment. Then Butters slowly looses his straight face. His face goes bright red and he hides his face in his palms.

"Ahhhh im sorry! That took a lot of courage to do I-" He just makes embarrssed noises and shakes his head back in forth in his hands. I chuckle and smile affectionately.

"You had me pretty entranced there!" I say trying to lighten the mood. Butters looks up, his face still a deep pink shade.

"Really? I've actually been practcing how i was going to tell you." He avoids eye contact and pulls at his sleeves some more. He tends to do that when he is nervous and I think its frickin adorable.

"Really? Thats so cute" I giggle and lay my head on my palm and conteniue to look at him.

"Ahhh you gotta stop staring at me like that! Im gonna DIE Ken" He once again hides his face in his palms and makes cute noises. I lean forward and pin Butters to the wall of the closet.

"Guess you'll have to die then." I press my lips into Butter's once again. This time fericly and passionately. He made a little 'Mhm' sound when I made impact. After a moment i feel his tongue slip into my mouth. Damn he can be assertive when he wants to be. Now we are both very focused on the intensely passionate kiss. I slowly move my arm up his baby blue sweater and rub his chest with my hand. He instantly reacts by making another soft sound and twitching a little. Fuck. I love him so much.

"Okay fags its time to-" The door opens and Cartman stares with a very suprised and disgusted look on his face. Then me smirks when he sees our positions. "Oh? Am I intterupting something?" He says innocently. I stop kissing Butters and glare angerily at him.

"You know what Cartman? YEAH, yeah you are!" Im pissed as hell. Right when it was getting good! I turn back to Butters and he is again flushed and a bright pink shade as he stares at Cartman. I grab Butters hand and stand up, dragging him along with me as we walk past Cartman and out of the crammed closet.

"Ah Ken, where are we going?" I drag Butters by the sleeve to the staircase by the closet.

"To a room" I spat, plain and simple. Once we made it up the stairs Butters brought us to a halt.

"Listen Ken... I really like you. But I don't want this to be rushed. I mean, everything happened so fast and I can't keep up with what just happened. I want to Ken! Just not right now. Im not ready." Butters stares me in the eyes with empathy in his soft voice.

Shit. I was so focused on sex that I didn't even consider what was happening. Im such a pig. I let go of his hand and run my fingers through my hair.

"Im Sorry Butters. I- I wasn't thinking right. Let's just sit down and talk for awhile, okay?" I felt terrible. My actions discust me. I try to show Butters a fake smile to make him trust me again. He only nods in response.

I take his hand and lead him to Clyde's guest room. I've known Clyde for a long time. I usually crash at his place when my parents are acting up. This is basically my second room now. I lead Butters by the hand through the door of the room and take a sit on the edge of the bed and pat the spot next to me. Butters smiles and takes a seat by my side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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