Seven minutes in hell

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                                                    Kenny's POV:

        I'm about 3 beers down. I dont get drunk easily since I drink often. This sounds terrible but it really does help you cope with stress. I overhear a conversation to my right.  

       "Come on Butters! What are you? A pussy?" Cartman flaunted a beer bottle in Butters face.

       "Screw off Cartman." I jump in.  I hate to get envolved but I can't just sit here.

       "Don't worry about it Ken! Cartman isn't bothering me. I was actually about to grab one anyway." Butters smiles at me and grabs the beer from Cartman's hand. To my suprise he twists off the top and starts chugging the thing. He starts coughing spastically. 

       "Woah slow down! Don't choke!" I run over to him and pat his back.

       " I have a lot on my mind right now so getting drunk dosen't sound half bad. I've never drank before so I'm not sure how it's gonna feel." He nervously chuckles and wipes his mouth with his sleeve before taking another slower sip. Cartman scoffs. After a moment I swear I saw a light bulb appear above his head as he leans forward to get our attention.

       "I think I have an idea! We should play Seven minutes in heaven! And I know exactly what combination I would like to go first." Cartman shoves us down the hall and into a small storage closet, causing us to fall back into the boxes in the back of the closet. "Don't try to break the rules now. I wont being opening up this closet for another 7 minutes. Good luck fags" Cartman slams the door leaving us dumbfounded in the dark. 

       Damn you Cartman. He most likely sensed the tension between us and wanted to make me suffer by locking me somewhere alone with him. The room was pitch black and the way we landed was super uncomfortable. Cardboard boxes don't exactly act as a soft landing. 

      "Hey Ken? What should we do? I cant see a thing." 

      "Its okay, I'll try to find a light." I pick myself up off the pile of boxes and glide my hand along the walls of the room. But with no luck. "I think the lightswitch is in the hallway outside the door." I sigh and reach in my pocket for my phone. "Its okay because we can use my phone flashlight for now. I turn on the bright light and set it on the floor in front me. Butters was sprawled across the dirty pile of boxes. 

       "Good thinking!" Butters shows a smile in my direction. "So what the heck is seven minutes in heaven?" Of course butters dosen't know what a game like this is. 

       "Well It's when you lock two people in a closet for seven minutes alone."

       "What are we supposed to do in here?" oh god.

       "Well most commonly people end up hooking up and getting a bit crazy. But we can just wait it out until Cartman lets us out. Got anything to talk about while we are here?" I try to make the situation more calm. 

       "Oh yeah! Now that we have the time I would like to talk to you about something..." Butters is visabily nervous. 

       "Okay shoot"

       "Well remember when I got beat up a little while ago by that guy Scott? Later that day I accidently overrheard you guys in the hallway." Butters tries his best to avoid eye contact. Oh shit. FUCK. I play the scene over again in my head. 

       That day I was in a seriously bad mood. After seeing that guy Scott beat the shit out of Butters it made my mood even worse. 'Hey Scott, I gotta talk to you.' Scott turned over to me and scoffed. 'What do YOU want Mccormick?' We had a history of hating each other. 'Why did you beat up Butters earlier?' I grab him by the collar. He death glares me. 'Because I can' of fucking course. Bullies never have a valid reason to bully another person. I strike him square in the face causing him to fall back onto the ground. 'Maybe you should pick on someone your own size you disgusting bastard.' I spit in his face and start to make my way out of the hallway. 'Wait Mccormick! Why are you even sticking up for someone like that?' He sits up and I turn around and crouch to meet his eye level. 'Because everybody needs a guardian angel, and I just happen to have claimed the job as his' I remember chuckling to myself after that cheesy line. 

       "That wasn't the sure first time I've seen you stick up for me either." Butters shows a bright and geniuine smile whlist looking me in the eyes. "You've always looked after me haven't you? Every time I got bullied by a  person they would never talk to me again shortly afterward. It really did feel like I had some kind of gaurdian angel." Butters chuckles and pulls at the ends of his sleeves. 

        I cant manage to say a word. I'm just lost in his stare. I bet I look like a deer in headlights right now. Oh god please let this end. I feel totally exposed right now. Butters sits up and puts his hand on top of mine. My face explodes in heat and I regain my conciousness. I'm just staring at his hand and panicing interally. 

      "I-i oh god I-" Whats wrong with me? I'm normally totally cool and composed even in stressful situations. Butters scoots closer to me and I raise my eyes to meet his. His hand still holding mine. His gaze is serious and intense. He comes closer and closer and I cant seem to get myself to move away. I'm stuck and lost in his eyes. He slowly closes his eyes and presses his lips softly onto mine. At first I didn't know how to react. But I slowly gain my composure and kiss him back. 


Bunny "Seven minutes in heaven" South Park (Butters x Kenny)Where stories live. Discover now