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Germany was scowling, unable to enjoy the current office party at all. He kept to himself, trying to avoid drinking at all despite the insistence from both Greece and America.

"Lighten up," America hissed out under her breath as she pushed a drink into his hands. "Get drunk, have fun. Nothing bad will happen."

That was easy for the American to say, Germany thought sourly. She wasn't the one with her ex here, now was she?

Speaking of him, Germany looked around the room and froze. Turkey was here. Locking eyes with the other man for a solid moment before saying fuck it and downing his drink in one go.

"Well Damn," Greece shouted, snaking up beside Germany, "didn't know you could shoot a shot like that!"

Germany scoffed as he nudged America to go get him another drink. She cackled before slipping off to do just that. He watched her run into someone, causing both her and the other woman to stumble.

Judging by the loud shouts, it was probably China. Good luck to Ame.

"Thought you hated parties," is what drew Germany to look away from America and right at Turkey's chest. Fuck. Turkey had replaced Greece to his side, which led for a very confused search up until he spotted Spain dragging the other man away. Oh.

"I do. America and Greece insisted I come," he scowled out, crossing his arms as he watched for America. Where was that dumb bitch when you need her most?

"Huh, sure they did," Turkey muttered as he took a sip of his drink, his entire body reading stiffly. Even- well Germany wasn't looking there. Yet.

"What? You think I came out of my own will? Hackfresse, who do you take me for?" Germany wasn't sure he could scowl more than he did but apparently it was possible. Come on America, he's not drunk enough for this.

"I hardly believe you when I-" "Turkster! Hey bitch boy," right on cue. America bounded over, drinks in hand. She looked between the two drinks before pushing what looked like vodka into Germany's taloned hands. "Here! The hard shit!"

Germany gave her a rough smile, shooting Turkey a smug look before he went to drinking. Moving the glass from his face he froze when he noticed America had fucked off to god knows where again, great job.

Turkey kept his spot beside Germany, watching his ex just slam down drinks. His presence isnt that bad your just a little bitch Germany. Turkey was already hammered anyways hence the cough, stiffy.

There was some tension between the two, which is why Ame had dipped to get more drinks. Mainly so Germany would loosen up a little more and because it's the perfect escape from the future hate fucking.

After an undisclosed amount of time and drinks, Germany was both drunk and a little bit horny. If you know what I mean. Sorry Tragedy, I'm so sorry. Turkey at one point had left his spot to chat up some of the other party goers.

"America- Fickfelher - I swear if you don't find him-" "Keep your yapping shut down, Gerbitch. I'm finding him," was the debate Turkey overheard passing Germany and America. He turned his head to see America had a knee on a chair, the other on the table to raise herself up better and look around.

He was caught off guard when the woman pointed at him and booked it over, tripping out of the chair. Grabbing Germany before rushing over and grabbing Turkey. Dragging them out of the party, Turkey furrowed his brow, "what the fuck- America what are you doing?" "Your horny, he's horny, your sexual tension is immaculate. So-"

The larger woman all but chunked the other two into the room, "have fun!" She shut the door to the office- wait a fucking minute that was a lock click.

Turkey paused, his drunk mind trying to catch up as Germany looked at him. A few seconds passed before Germany shoved his mouth against Turkey's, pulling the other into a rough kiss.

Once the kiss registered, Turkey was quick to kiss back, hand going to the back of the smaller man's head and roughly pressing him in. His free arm snaked around and pulled Germany onto his lap.

Germany let out a weak gasp when Turkey grinded up into him, parting his lips just enough for Turkey's tongue to slip in and begin exploring his mouth. Turkey's hand moved again, roughly grabbing Germany by the hips as the other moaned into the kiss.

Germany began to pick at Turkey's shirt, tugging it up. Breaking the kiss, Turkey pulled his shirt over his head and was quick to begin unbuttoning his partner's. Pressing rough biting kisses to Germany's neck as he slipped the unbutton article of clothing and threw it to the side.

Germany was letting out weak gasps and moans, squirming in Turkey's lap. Hiding his face, he moved his hands and began unbuckling Turkey's belt and pants. Turkey moved around, pressing three fingers against Germany's mouth. There was no order given, but Germany still knew.

Taking the three fingers in his mouth, Germany began to suck. His tongue ran over the digits as he ground down against Turkey's lap.

Turkey let out a rough groan, and after a while pulled his hand away, and picked up Germany. Setting the other on the desk, Turkey fought with his pants before pushing them, and his boxers, down until they dropped around his legs. Then, both him and Germany were fighting to get Germany's pants gone.

Once Germany had completely lost both pants and boxers to the floor, and Turkey had his dropped, the rough kissing started back up. Germany wrapped his arms around Turkey's neck as his ex pressed a finger to his entrance. Waiting a moment before pushing it in, and letting Germany adjust to the foreign feeling. It didn't take long for Germany to grind down, and soon Turkey was thrusting and adding a second finger. The process repeated up until the third finger, which Germany let out a sharp squeak at.

Germany whined at the feeling, "Turk-Turkey oh fuck." Germany hid his head in the crook of the bigger man's neck. If it wasn't for the fact they had fucked previously, Germany might have asked if three fingers was enough. Turkey pressed a soft kiss to Germany's head as he thrust his fingers in and out of him. "Think you can take me yet-" Turkey muttered, low and husky into the german man's ear.

Nodding into his neck, Germany felt Turkey remove his fingers. He didn't mourn the loss of feeling full very long as Turkey lined up to his entrance and pressed in. Gasping and muttering a string of random german curses under his breath, Germany wrapped his legs around the red man's waist. Turkey waited before in a quick motion snapped his hips forward roughly.

Letting out a squeak, Germany went to kissing and pressing soft bites to Turkey's neck in an attempt to mute himself. It wasn't going very well because with every steady thrust Germany was getting louder and louder.

Turkey let out low grunts and moans in Germany's ear, thrusting into the other with all he had in him. Muttering things in Turkish- mostly dirty talk that he knew the smaller man wouldn't understand. Eventually, he wrapped his hand around Germany's dick, stroking it in time with his thrusts.

Germany went louder, gasping, moaning and crying out as his nails raked up Turkey's back. He felt a knot building up in his abdomen, his face scrunched up as he, for lack of better terms, sounded like a porn star.

The knot was steadily building, Germany hiding his face away as he teetered close to the edge, "fuck- fuck FUCK- Turk I'm gon-" he was cut off with a loud shout and tensed up, before his body went slack. Turkey slowed for a minute, before powering through, thrusts quickly becoming sloppy.

Soon enough he was following Germany into cloud nine, letting out a rough mix of a shout and a grunt before slumping against the other. Breathing heavily, Turkey waited a solid minute before pulling out and admiring his work of pulling Germany undone.

"So-" "do- do not say anything." Silence.

Then, the door clicked open and Turkey's head snapped around, both him and Germany staring down a very shocked Greece and a frowning America.

"Really!? Cum on my desk? Guys what the fuck!" Greece elbowed her before shutting the door with a, "have fun! Sorry," as America shouted something about cleaning up.

Well, Germany was never living this down.

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