Fun Times for All

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Germany's denial of the situation exceeded what even America had thought was possible for the man. In public he was always denying that anything was going on behind the scenes, stating just as much as before he hated Turkey.

In private though, he had spent many nights curled against America or Greece, letting out weak cries and incomprehensible german. The other two both had extremely different approaches. Greece would go to his gods for advice, down at his altar before coming back and offering smooth tongued words to Germany. America...well America's normal instinct was to punch things, which was tenfold and directed at Turkey solely. She did offer her own advice, things she had learned during her pregnancies.

Overall though, neither was that big of a help to Germany's current predicament. It was incredibly awkward, considering Greece kept saying things along the lines of, "you know you can't hide this forever?" It didn't help telling the german what he already knew and dreaded. But part of him wasnt actually that mad about the idea of being a parent- wait what was he going on about? Yes he was. Turkey hadn't made any effort to contact him after finding out, which only added to the anxiety.

"I can't do it," he whined, leaning against America, her arms wrapped around him with her head tilted so that the bottom of her face was hidden in his hair. "Germany, your being dramatic. You have me and Greece beside you the entire way," she smiled with a shake of her head. Germany shifted, looking up at her before dropping his head to rest against America's chest. His body hurt a little, so he had spent most of the day curled into the older woman. She gently pat his head, not wanting to admit how motherly she tended to be to the german, "Ger, look it won't be too bad."

He pulled his legs closer, pressing closer into her. It was a scene that often played out in the man's youth after the loss of his uncle and subsequently adoption by America. It felt nearly like home. "Can..." his voice was soft, not wanting to speak above a whisper in fear he might anger her, "can you call Turkey? I..." "You know you don't have to explain yourself to me every time Ger," America sighed, digging around in her pocket to call up the european country.

Sitting in silence as the phone rang, Germany kept his face hidden from her until he head Turkey's voice come through on the speaker, "America. It's been a while- is something wrong?" "Nah, Gerbear," Germany cringed at the nickname from his childhood, "wanted to talk." He took the phone in clawed hands, "danke ame...Uh- Hallo Turkey."

" you feeling?" Germany got straight to the point, brows furrowed even though Turkey couldn't see him. "Why haven't you called-" "I thought you wanted space! Hell, we don't even know if-" "If the kid is yours," vile burned in the back of his throat, his voice going coarse. "Who else could it be!? I haven't slept with anyone except for you!"

America felt the venom, leaning back at the shouts slightly and crinkling up her face. There was silence for a little and then a quiet "oh." Germany didn't give him time, shoving the phone back towards America. The woman jumped it between her hands before holding it up to her ear. "No....I can't control him listen here you little- fine I'll hear you I am not telling him that, do it yours- HEY! ASSHOLE!" America looked to the phone in shock, brows furrowed. Germany was quiet before leaning against America again and letting out a weak, than intense and heart wrenching sob.

He ended up crying for quite awhile, the woman who acted as a surrogate mother for him just holding him tightly, muttering soft things to try and bring him to a calmer point. They stayed like that for a good while, unsure of what else to do.

Author's note: Sorry for the short chapter! I wasn't really feeling the vibe but ya write what you have to huh? Xoxo!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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