The Start of A Beginning

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"So when are you telling him?" The rough, accent and sleep filled voice of the American cut through the air, souring Germany's already bad mood.

"Tell him what?" He narrowed his eyes at the woman laid out beside him on the couch, Greece staring on in confusion. America poked Germany in the stomach, "that your pregnant from fucking on my desk?"

Greece let out a shocked cackle, staring at America as Germany brought his hand up and started to hit the woman on the head for her comment. America covered her face with her arms, shouting, "hey hey HEY! ASSHOLE! I'M BEING SERIOUS!"

"There is no physical possible way I could be pregnant, America!" "Well it's either that or your getting fucking fat!"
The slaps came harder at that, causing America to jolt off the couch and back away as Germany grabbed a pillow and started swinging it at her as Greece got out of the way, narrowing his eyes for a solid minute, "No! No she's right! You *do* have a baby bump Germany!"

Germany went to turn the pillow on Greece as the other man clamored out of the chair and went to hide behind it as America raised her hands with an anxious laugh, "Ger- look! Just take a test okay? I have some in my bathroom," she made a weak motion down the hall which caught Germany's attention. He scowled and pointed at her, "will it make you shut the fuck up about this whole joke idea of me being pregnant?"

The southerner nodded violently, and Germany grumbled down the hall briefly hearing Greece turn to her and go, "How did you know?" "Greece I have 50 kids." "Oh." Muttering to himself as he opened the bathroom door and slammed it shut, looking through drawers before finding an unopened pregnancy test and doing what he had to do.

Setting the item on the counter and washing his hands he called, "see you Fickfehlers! Nothing to-" his voice stopped short as he stared at the little lines on the test. There was some clamoring and a "America you stepped on my foot!" As he heard the two come closer. Opening the door, Greece and America had a look of concern before Greece moved around and looking over his shoulder and laughing, "Thought you said that you weren't! But you are and here is the bump to prove it!"

Germany felt like dying, he swatted the other man away from him as America dialed up someone on her phone, "daddy boy is being called." "Please do not call Turkey 'daddy boy'. I'm most certainly not-"

America hit the speaker button as Turkey's voice came through, "What? America what the fuck are you calling me for? Isn't it like midnight?" "I'm in San Fran so no. Anyways~ Germany has something to tell you!"

She held the phone out, Greece giving Germany a gentle shove towards the phone. A wave of anxiety came over Germany as he stared at it in silence for what felt like in years, which was just a few seconds. "Well uh- you see Turkey- I do believe that uhm, I'm pregnany-" That was hard to say. Germany felt like since he had spoken it had become a reality. God, his knees felt weak. Buckling underneath him, Germany made a quick descent to the floor, stopped by a very worried Germany and helped up by a concerned America. The other line was quiet.

The quiet felt like it was strangling, like he wanted to die. Germany shouldn't have drank anything, then he wouldn't have fucked his ex and that meant he wouldnt be in the current predicament. He let out a weak whine of fear, clutching onto the woman at the front and the arm of Greece that was wrapped around his chest. He couldn't hear anything, and his breath was quicking up quite a bit.

Then when the silence finally broke from Turkey, "oh. Oh. Is it-" "Of course it's yours you croissant flagged asshole," America snapped to the phone as she helped Germany stand, his whole world rocking back and forth as he waited again for Turkey to speak.

"I'm a dad." "Not yet you ain't, what are you going to do about it? Split custody?" America seemed to have deemed it right for her to take over the main protection of Germany at the moment. Her voice was slick with venom, like a viper ready to bite. "Well uh- no- unless that's what he wants?"

Germany's brief bout of not being able to breath came back and hit him hard, nearly knocking him out cold. Greece fumbled with him, taking him from America and going to help him lay down. "We'll finish this later Turkster," he finally heard America say as she hung up and followed after him.

Of course America stopped by the small nursery room in the house, grabbing a bag and chunking items into it. Then she zipped it up and set it aside, muttering to herself, "for the future kid." She briefly looked to the mirror in the room, still with waves painted on from Hawaii. Fixing her bandana, she slinked down the hallway to watch Greece get a nearly bent in half Germany to look at him.

"Look- look this isn't as scary as it seems Germany," Greece waved his hands, brows furrowed and his normal smile replaced by a worried grimace. Germany didn't seem to take too kindly to that statement, "I'm pregnant Greece. I shouldn't be able to be pregnant!" America cleared her throat, "technically speaking yeah you can, just uh..not in male form." "Danke Ame, for being fucking CAPTAIN OBVIOUS," he snapped at her. Feisty yikes.

Greece pat him on the shoulder, looking to America for any form of help. Sitting down beside the duo, America smiled and placed a hand on Germany's leg, "look, we will be with you the entire way, alright? And I'll fucking kill Turkey if he isn't. Kay?" "...alright. You better follow through, or I'm going to fucking strangle you America." "Please don't."

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