chapter 3

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I went into the other bedroom where I had my computer, powered it up, and just stared blankly at the screen. I pulled up one of my favorite websites and sat there playing games until late in the afternoon. I fixed myself some lunch around 2:00, went into the living room and turned on the TV. I wasn't really interested in what was on, I just wanted the noise in the background. I headed back to my computer and checked my email. Michael had been trying to email me all day as well as call. I deleted his emails without opening them, shut down my computer, went back to my room and fell asleep across the bed again.

I was awakened again a few hours later to a knock on my door. I walked out to look in the peep hole to see who it was. Of course, it was Michael. I just stood there staring at the door, refusing to let him in. I didn't say a word as he kept knocking.

"Reese! I know you're there, I saw your car outside. Can we talk about this, please?" he said through the door, still knocking. After a long pause, I finally spoke.

"There's nothing to talk about, Michael. I think you should go home."

"We need to talk about what happened between us last night. Will you open the door?"

"NO! I said there's nothing to talk about. What I did was wrong, it never should have happened. Please just go home and leave me alone." I wanted exactly the opposite but my emotions were on overload and I needed time to think.

I heard no response from him so I looked through the peep hole again. He was gone. I went to the kitchen, fixed myself dinner, grabbed the remote for the TV and flipped through the channels until I found something I wanted to watch. When I finished my dinner, I popped in a movie and fell asleep on the couch.

I got up the next morning, took a shower and got ready to go to work. I went into the kitchen to make myself some coffee and I noticed there were three new messages on my answering machine. I pushed the play button and listened.

"Reese, listen to me. We need to talk about this. I care way too much about you to leave things like this. I hope you'll be at work tomorrow, I want to see you. Please, let's talk," Michael's voice said, there was a long pause, then a beep.

The next message was also Michael, "I really hope you're all right. See you at work tomorrow," and another long pause before the end beep. The third message was a hang-up, but I'm guessing it was Michael also.

I fixed myself a bagel, poured a cup of coffee, sat down at the table and wondered just exactly how I would handle the situation with Michael. As I sipped my coffee slowly and picked at my bagel, I couldn't help but think about that kiss and how good his lips felt against mine. I wanted him so badly, I just didn't know what to do.

I finished my coffee, cleaned up the dishes from the table, filled my travel mug with the rest of the coffee from the pot and headed out the door. My thoughts drifted back to Monday night and that soft slow kiss with Michael.

As I walked into the main lobby from the parking level, I was greeted by the receptionist. "G'morning, Reese. Getting an early start today, huh?"

"G'morning, Barb. Yeah, I want to make up for missing yesterday," I told her as I headed toward the elevators. The elevator ride to the eighth floor seemed to take longer than usual, it was probably just my anxiety.

I got to my cubicle and noticed something laying on my desk. As I got closer, I saw it was a single long stemmed yellow rose with a card attached to it. The card read: We need to talk. M.

I powered up my computer, grabbed the stacks of invoices from my desk and headed into the copy room. I heard Michael's voice behind me as I worked on making my copies for the day.

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