Chapter 5

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We came back to the table, I motioned for the waitress and ordered another Bacardi and Diet Coke. Veronica ordered shots all around, but Michael said he didn't want anything.

"One of us has gotta stay sober," he said, watching me as the waitress brought us our shots.

I looked at Michael, stood up and took a few steps over to him. I slowly pulled his jacket off him, letting it fall across his shoulders, then straddled his legs between mine, placed my hands on his shoulders and he placed his hands gently on my waist. I moved my face closer to his, our lips almost touching, tilted his head slightly to the side, licked his neck just below his ear, then sprinkled salt on it. I kissed the salt off his neck, pulled away, slammed my tequila shot then reached for a lime wedge.

I moved my face closer into his again. I tilted his head back slightly and slowly rubbed the lime on his lips, gently squeezing it. I leaned in, kissed him, my tongue probing into is mouth, then licked down his chin, cleaning off the rest of the lime juice that had dribbled.

I heard Crazy For You by Madonna start playing. I leaned into him again and whispered, "Dance with me." When I got up, everyone at the table was just staring at us in disbelief at what they had just witnessed, except Veronica. She sat there smiling and gave me a wink.

Michael stood up and removed his jacket. He took my hand, led me to the floor, pulled me into him and put his arms around my waist. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him in closer, feeling his heart beating through his sweater. I rested my head on his shoulder, felt him pull my waist in closer to him, and felt his burgeoning erection against me.

"Someone's happy to see me," I said, brushing myself against him.

He pulled away to look at me. "Reese, I -- "

"Don't ruin the moment, Michael," I said as I placed a finger to his lips.

He took my face gently in his hands and we shared a slow, lingering kiss while we danced. Our bodies swayed to the music, unaware of anyone else around us. As the song ended, we reluctantly pulled away. He kissed my cheek softly then led me back to the table.

"I thought you said the two of you weren't getting along, Reese?" Veronica asked. I just made a shushing gesture toward her as I sat back down in my seat, still holding Michael's hand.

Michael and I sat close together and even got in a few more dances. By this time it was nearing midnight and I also had a few more drinks, making it difficult to even stand up. Michael told me he was taking me home, we could come get my car later. As we drove home, not a word was spoken. I was angry with him for forcing me to leave since he's the one who told me to go have fun in the first place.

We pulled up in front of my apartment building and I got out of the car, heading quickly for the door. Michael followed. "You don' hafta follow me, I know the way from here," I said, coldly, still slurring my words while walking clumsily to the entrance.

"I just wanna make sure you make it inside." He caught me as I stumbled.

"I'm fine!" My loud voice echoed through the air. I opened the door to the main building and tripped on the step walking inside. I started to giggle.

"Let me help you," he said, taking the keys from my hands.

"I can do it!" I said loudly, taking the keys back from him. I held the key with both hands to keep it steady as I slid it into the lock. I turned the knob and fell into my apartment giggling again as the door opened. Michael helped me to my feet, reached around and turned on the light.

I tossed my keys on the kitchen table along with my purse and went to the bathroom. When I was done in there, I stumbled into the bedroom to change clothes. I fell onto the bed, laying on my back, looking at the ceiling in the darkened bedroom. Michael just stood in the doorway, watching.

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