Chapter 6

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I got up and ran to the bathroom. I put the lid down on the toilet, sat down and just started crying. I heard Michael ask if I was all right through the door and told him everything was fine. I asked him to leave, but he said he wanted to make sure I was okay first. I pulled a couple aspirin out of the medicine cabinet and washed them down with a glass of water before I opened the door to talk to him.

"I'm fine, Michael. I'm just really embarrassed about everything that happened last night. Maybe you should go."

"I'm not going anywhere this time, Reese," he replied, taking my hand and leading me into the bedroom.

"Michael -- "

"Just let me say this," he said as he sat me down on the bed then sat down next to me. "You told me you loved me last night. You asked me to fuck you. I didn't want to do anything to you in the condition you were in, but if the circumstances had been different, I wouldn't have turned you down. I've loved you for a long time, Reese. All those people who said we were in love with each other were right. I've wanted you for awhile now, but until just a few days ago, I didn't think you felt the same about me," he finished, breaking eye contact with me.

"Oh Michael. I was so embarrassed about that kiss on Monday, but it felt so wonderful. I didn't know what to do. I fell hard for you a long time ago. I kept my distance because I figured you'd never be interested in me."

He turned to face me, moving in closer as our lips met and we kissed softly. I reluctantly pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I want this to be perfect, Michael," I said as I removed the blanket from my shoulders and stood up. "I want you to make love to me."

"God, you're beautiful." I watched as his eyes roamed up and down my body. I took his hand and helped him to his feet as he pulled me in closer to him again.

He removed my bra while slowly caressing my back and shoulders. My whole body quivered under his touch and I felt weak in the knees as he leaned down to kiss me again. We fell back to the bed and I felt his hands run under my panties and caress my hips. I could feel the heat of his skin against mine as he worked his hands down my thighs, hooking my panties with his thumbs and pulling them down. I rolled over onto the bed to allow him to remove my panties and he pulled me into him again.

"I want you, Reese. I've never wanted another woman more than I want you right now."

We kissed again, our tongues exploring each other's mouth. He kissed down my neck, gently nibbling and sucking as he made his way down my body to my breasts. He took one breast in his hand and brought the nipple to his mouth, slowly sucking, working my body into a frenzy. He moved to the other nipple, while his hands caressed down my stomach and traced the lips of my drenched pussy.

I opened my legs and felt his fingers gently graze my clit as he continued to caress my thighs. I felt his lips make their way down my body, kissing and nibbling gently. He took one finger and slid it inside me, while still kissing up and down my thighs. I let out a soft moan and felt him slide another finger inside me. My hips gyrated with his every move.

He closed his mouth gently around my waiting clit and my whole body trembled. I raised my hips to meet him, feeling his fingers plunge deep inside. I felt my whole body slowly start to shudder as he brought me to climax. He pulled his fingers out, plunging his tongue deep, drinking in my juices.

"Oh my God! Michael!"

He kissed back up my body slowly, exploring every inch with his lips. I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled him into me for a slow, feverish kiss. He repositioned himself over me, still probing my mouth with his tongue. I ran my hands down his back to his boxers, slowly pulling them off, squeezing his ass cheeks as they were exposed. He reached down and finished removing his boxers, leaving his rigid cock aiming at its prize.

I opened my legs wider as he slid his cock perfectly inside me. He thrust deep and slow, making the sensation last as we kissed passionately. I felt his hips move as he tried to find that perfect spot that made my whole body writhe. As our pace quickened, I pulled him deeper into me, digging my fingers into his back with my legs wrapped around him.

He kissed me again while I caressed his back and shoulders. He plunged deep, his cock engulfed by my convulsing pussy as we just let ourselves go. I felt him pump hard as his body stiffened and he released his hot thick juice deep inside me.

"Reese! Oh My God! Reese!" His body shuddered and convulsed through his release.

I felt my orgasm working it's way up from my toes, slowly flooding my whole body with pleasure as his cock still pumped its load inside me. I called out his name a few times and squeezed him tighter with my legs as I felt myself tremble while my pussy lubricated his cock. He collapsed on top of me, breathless. I felt the tremors in his body get slower as he pushed himself up and rolled onto the bed.

"That was amazing," I told him, still trying to catch my breath.

He just laid next to me, eyes closed, his body still trembling. "That was better than amazing," he said trying to catch his breath.

"I love you, Michael." I felt him pull me closer and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too, Reese."

We spent almost the entire weekend in bed, learning about each other. We only stopped long enough to go get my car from the club. When Monday morning came, we didn't want to get out of bed, but we knew we had to. We showered together, feeling the warm water run over us as we made love.

As we walked into the office, about a half hour late and arm-in-arm, we heard chatter and whispers from our co-workers. We walked to our cubicle and found a greeting card propped up against his computer monitor. The envelope was addressed to both of us. He picked it up, handed it to me and I opened it.

The front of the card had a picture of people clapping and cheering, when I opened it up, there were three simple words printed on the inside: It's About Time! It was signed simply: V.

I glanced over at Veronica and just gave her a smile. I turned to Michael, grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him into me for a deep slow passionate kiss. We pulled away, removed our coats and sat down at our desks. I propped the card up on the corner of my desk, blew Michael a kiss and started working for the day.

"Love you, Reese.".

"Love you too, Michael."

My life was perfect. I had finally found love.

The End.

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