Chapter 32 We could have a family

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Phil's POV

Dan had a female reproductive system? A fully functioning one at that? I'm sure my eyes widened and I was left speechless. I looked at Dan and realized how pale he had gotten. I should probably say something.

"Are you for real?" I asked and then mentally slapped myself. Of course he is serious you idiot!

"Y-y-yeah," he stuttered.

I smiled at him, "that's amazing Dan!"

"Are you s-serious?" He asked, eyes wider than mine.

"Yes!" I smiled, "Dan God has blessed you with the opportunity to have children. This is so incredible!"

"I'm so glad you feel this way. I thought you would hate me," he smiled.

"Never! Now why do we have to go to a specialist?" I asked.

Dan made a face, "because I. erm, am on my period and the blood has no where to go but the bottom of the cervix."

"Oh," I said, "I see. Well, we'd better get there fast then."

Dan started laughing as I hit the gas pedal, hard. I slowed back down to the legal limit a minute later. About fifteen minutes after that we arrived at Dr. Mcall's. We walked in and smiled, seeing it was empty. It was a very small building, I assume not many people have this case. I walked up to the counter with Dan.

"Hello dears," an older nurse smiled, "what can I do for you?"

"I'm Daniel Howell," Dan smiled, "Dr. Johanssen called and told me Dr. Mcall wanted to see me right away."

"Right you are Daniel."

We both turned to see a very pretty middle aged woman. She was a lot shorter then me with long blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun. She radiated kindness and I could tell Dan was comfortable with her already.

"Follow me Dan," she smiled, "is Phil coming with you also?"

"Yes," Dan said, "but how do you know Phil's name?"

"I have two teenage daughters who are in love with Phan," she laughed, as did we.

We followed her back into an exam room and she shut the door behind us. Dan hopped up on the patient thingy, I still don't know what it is called. I sat in the chair and Dr. Mcall sat on a spinny stool.

"So Dan," she started, "I see from your file that you appear to be on your period, but the blood has nowhere to go once reaching the bottom of the cervix. Is that correct?"

"Yes ma'am," Dan said, blushing.

"Well, that's very common in cases like your. Even though these cases are rare. There is really only one thing I can do and most men are against it. It also requires an emergency surgery," she said.

"And what is this option?" Dan asked, looking nervous.

"Basically I make a slit in the skin behind the penis and attach the cervix to it. Basically I create a vagina, which isn't that complicated of a process because, form the looks of your ultrasound, your internal body is already trying to do that."

"It is?" Dan gasped.

"Yes," she said, "if you look right here you can see the clitoris. All I would have to do is take a few layers of skin out and give you some medication, in shot forms, to make sure new skin doesn't grow over it and to keep the vagina open. It won't be too hard though, since your body is trying extremely hard to make one on it's own. I must say, it's doing an excellent job. Are you against the option?"

" Not at all," Dan said, "I mean I already have the internal plumbing. I may as well have the external plumbing too."

"That's an excellent way to look at it," she smiled.

"I have a question," I said, raising my hand.

"Yes, Phil?" She laughed.

"If we had sex, like in that hole, could he get pregnant and have baby?" I blushed.

"Yes he could," she said.

"I could?" Dan said, eyes glazed.

"Yes Dan you could," Dr. Mcall repeated.

"That's amazing," Dan smiled.

I grabbed his hand, "we could have a family someday. Our own family."

"Sounds perfect," he mumbled, pecking me softly on the lips.

"Alright gentlemen," Dr. Mcall said, "seeing as it is considered 'emergency' surgery I'm going to take you back and have you change and start an iv. After that if you have anyone you want here for the surgery I suggest you call them then."

I looked at Dan and he shook his head, "I just want Phil for now."

I smiled. He only wanted me. Out of all the people in the world he only wanted me. And I only wanted him too.

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