12 - Traitor Backwards is Honuhes

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Chapter 13

*** Sehun's POV***

"Coz the all the haturs gona hate hate hate. Im jas gonna shakeu shakeu shakeu. I shakeu it op. I shakeu it op."

This song is giving me a Last Song Syndrome. The radio that I happen to pass by played this song and it kind of stuck in my head.

I'm not really into American music but this one really got me. I wonder what the title of the song is. Maybe it's 'hate hate' or is it 'shake shake'.

In our music, whatever is the repeated word it's the title of the song.

I wonder what my Wifey is doing now. I kind of miss her. Even though it was only 6 hours ago, I just can't dismiss the feeling of me missing her.

I took out my phone and went to the Gallery. I looked at the stolen picture I took when she was stitching a small blanket yesterday. She really looks yeppeo (pretty) here.

How I wish I can squeeze her in a necklace so that I can bring her anywhere with me.

I seriously sound like a sasaeng (obsessed fan). Well as long as I am not invading her private space, I am not doing anything wrong, right?

I was completely upset when she left me the other day when we went to the mall. I saw Luhan hyung and Wifey riding the bus already when I was still trying to find her. I was pouting the whole day.

Wandering the streets of Myeongdong, I wonder if the gang is here. By gang, I mean Kai's gang.

Yes, I am looking for Kai. No one's going to stop me from making Kwoyeon's official papers. Not even Luhan hyung.

I really want to see Wifey going to school because going to school means wearing uniform. Wearing uniform means short skirts. Short skirts means I got to see her being cute.

Yes, I am that desperate to see her wearing shirts.

Now, where to look?

Kai's gang usually hangs out in the computer rental shops near the stores of clothing in Myeongdong. I just passed there and didn't found them.

His gang consists of also six members (it was formed because Kai was jealous of our own gang). Lay, Kris, Baekhyun, Kai, Dyo (D.O) and that new recruit Tao.

I specifically hate the Kris guy. I don't really know why but his presence itches my soul.

You know that feeling when you just can't stand the presence of someone and you're the part of your body where the person is kind of itches.

That feeling. That is the feeling whenever Kris is around.

There are also strange members in Kai's gang. It's like they were only forced to join him. Lay and Dyo looks so angel-looking and them being a part of the team made the gang somewhat less scary.

Tao and Baekhyun fits in the category of neutral. You don't really know whether if you'll be afraid or adore them but unlike Lay and Dyo they make the gang have a near perfect point in the 'Toughness' criteria in the World's Toughest Gang.

"Yah! Pabo (Idiot)! I told you specifically not to buy one with salt in it!" I heard someone shouts in the near distance.

"Mianhae (Sorry) hyung. I haven't really got my ears cleaned," a voice replied.

"Aigoo! This guy! Note to self to never let you handle orders again," the voice earlier said.

"Yah. Give himself a break," a familiar voice reprimanded him. It was Kai's.

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