Chapter 6

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I entered home, hoping my unnies won't returning home yet luckily I saw no one when I came so I took a quick shower.

Then waited for my unnies to come while watching some drama so that they don't get suspicious of me being slient.

Then I heard the door open to reveal my unnies entering, I turned my head and asked ,"How was work?. They replied lazily ,"Tiring".

I nodded at how tried they look, poor them I wanna kill their boss. Then Jisoo unnie said ,"We four will refresh and them cook you dinner okay?".

I nodded at them happily and they went to refresh themselves, After a while they all went into kitchen for cooking and I joined them in cooking.

"Lisa unnie you better get off the kitchen don't spoil the food", I said chuckling, she glared at me.

"Okay, I am sorry", I apologized and she pouted at me, I took that as forgiveness.

We finished cooking and sat on table, I was hungry so I started eating my food early, then Jennie unnie said, "We need to talk".

I choked up on my food, Did they found I went to work today???!!! Did Ryu tell them? "Y/n you okay?", Rosé unnie asked worried. I nodded and asked ,"What do you want to talk?"

Lisa unnie continued, "We have lot of work at company these days, but you are in our house, we are worried that we can't come early for next few days we'll reach home only at 7 or 8 pm".

My mind cheered in joy, I won't get caught then. "I am not a baby unnie, I can manage it you guys should not be worrying about me". I said and they smiled at me like I am their small sister who is grown up.

Lisa Pov

I  saw a happy Y/n who returned after many days it felt so hard for me to see her cry, Y/n is more than a friend to us, it is only a year we meet, but we treat her like our own sister we adore her.

I can't still figure out who killed Mrs. Jung and Eunha. Thought lingered in my mind then I got back to reality after Jisoo unnie patted my shoulder, "What's wrong?", she asked. I said ,"Nothing".

We finished eating and Jennie unnie said to Y/n ,"You go to sleep we will take care of these dishes". She nodded and went to her room cheerfully.

After a while we finished the dishes and The other wanted to go to beds but I said ,"We need to talk".

They looked at me confused."When are gonna tell about Y/n to him, if we keep on hiding this then Y/n would be in danger, we can't afford to lose her, and He'll be heart broken", I said to them straight forward.

Then Rosé told ," Lisa, if we tell this to him, then Y/n gets into the danger more, it is better for him not to get involved in this thing", the other two nodded at her answer.

"But-", then Jisoo unnie interrupted me ,"No more buts, good night girls". I was left there all alone. I sighed and went to my room.


I was lying on my bed, thinking that I don't need to stay in house alone anymore, but I need to more careful. When should I tell dad about mom and Eunha, whatever happens after unnies left for the work I am gonna tell it to dad, he must know it sooner or later.

The only thing I can do now is to hope that dad don't get too heartbroken, I wonder why he didn't call me yet from the day he left Korea. He must be too involved in work. Then in middle my thoughts my phone's message notification popped up

Hey it's Mark, the guy you met at cafe.

Hey Mark

I am sad that we didn't get a chance to speak today.

I am really sorry, we were supposed to close at the time and I was rushing to home

I understand....

Hehehe thanks

Actually, I saw you at the café before two weeks, so I thought to meet you the next day but I found you just today.

Sorry, I had some personal issues to deal with, anyway why do you wanna see me?

Idk I just felt I wanna know you more,
can I?

Idk what you're saying

I like you the moment I saw you.
If you don't mind, let's hangout once.
I am sure you'll like me.

Oh, I see....
You expressed to me straightforward
But we don't know eachother yet,
Let's hangout and then I'll tell my feelings about you

I can wait. Let's hangout tomorrow then, after your shift got over at 6:00Pm.

Okie, see ya
Good night

Good night Y/n.

I don't know why but I was smiling like a pabo while texting him, maybe I like him too? Even if I like him I need to protect myself, after mom and Eunha died the cops said I must protect myself. So I Will get to know him better, I'll tell him. In heavy thoughts I drifted to sleep.

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