Chapter Eight- They're On To Us

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"Draco, I'm going to go sit with the trio and see what they know about us."

"Okay, but don't act suspicious and keep your left sleeve covered." he murmurs in my ear.

"I know and I won't be suspicious."

"Be back soon Ells."

"I will Dragon."


My older brother gives me a hug and slips one of Peruvian instant darkness powder's into my pocket and then we part ways, he goes off to perform his prefect duties and me to spy on my friends. When I come to the trio's compartment I almost knock but then decide to use my darkness powder, I throw it down and make myself invisible while the smoke is around me. Then use one of Fred and George's Extendable Ears to listen to their conversation.

"So what was Draco doing with that cabinet and who were all those people?" Ron asks.

"Don't you see? It was a ceremony, an initiation." Harry says.

"Stop it, Harry, I know where you're going," Antoinette says.

"Speaking of going I wonder where Ella is? She usually sits with us." Hermione comments.

"I think she got roped into that ceremony somehow as well," Harry says.

"You have got to be kidding me right now Harry, do you really bloody think that Ella Malfoy would agree to willingly become a death eater? Without someone using the Imperius Curse on her?" Ron challenges him.

"I suppose you do have a point Ron, but regardless even if Ella isn't her brother definitely is one of them."

"One of what?" Ron asks.

"Harry is under the impression that Draco and Ella Malfoy are now death eaters," Antoinette says. 

"You're barking. What would You-Know-Who want with Malfoy and his sister?" Ron says.

"Well, then what were they doing in Borgin and Burkes? Browsing for furniture?" Harry answers.

I snicker at his comment and then keep quiet again as I listen.

"It's a creepy shop. He's a creepy bloke." Ron says. 

"How dare you Ronald, my boyfriend is not a creepy bloke!" Antoinette shouts.

"Hush, will you Antoinette!" Hermione hisses.

"Well, then tell him that Draco is not a creepy bloke."

"Okay, fine maybe he's not so creepy. But you know what is really creepy?"

"No, what?"

"The fact that you're dating Draco Malfoy who hates muggle-borns so much that he refers to you and your sister as mudbloods!"

"Just bloody shut it already Ron!" Hermione yells.

"Look, their father is a death eater. It only makes sense." Harry continues on.

"Besides Hermione and Antoinette saw it with their own eyes."

"We told you, we don't know what we saw." the Granger sisters reply in unison.

Getting the feeling that someone was going to be leaving the compartment soon I hurry away quickly back to the Slytherin section, where Draco and his friends are waiting. When I get back Draco is checking things on top of the baggage holders, and I walk over to him whispering in his ear, "Draco, they're on to us. Especially Harry he's gone positively mad with the notion that we are death eaters. We've got to be more careful."

"You're right," he answers.

"Did say anything about me?"

"Yeah, she defended us now come on let's go sit down. You really should relax you've been so uptight these days."

"Ella, you would be too if you had my task. I almost wish that I could have yours it's so much easier."

"Well, it's not any bloody easier because I have to betray my friends while doing it."

"Will you two stop arguing and come sit down?" Pansy interjects.

I pull Draco over to the seat with me and then we start talking to Blaise and Pansy. Draco is telling them all about Antoinette I kick him under the table but he apparently doesn't get the hint because he keeps talking and Pansy says, "Granger really?

"Yeah," he says looking at me.

"What are you looking at me for you daft idiot? I told you not to talk about her with people!"

He shrugs and Pansy finishes, "A mudblood?"

"Don't say that!" Draco says sharply.

The train comes to a stop and Pansy, Blaise, and I get out of the booths, Pansy says, "Draco, aren't you coming?"

"No, I want to check something you guys go on. And Ella, suspicious I don't want them to get of you so just sit with them and be your regular self."

I nod and walk out with Pansy and Blaise.

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