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~but I could still smell you on my clothes~

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~but I could still smell you on my clothes~

hongjoong grunted, roughly dropping one of the boxes on the floor in the middle of the room. seonghwa coming in shortly after to see him there exhausted. the older raised an eyebrow, his own arms holding one of the many boxes.

" don't look so tired, you were one who wanted to decorate this room. " seonghwa scoffed looking at hongjoong's freshly retouched hair.

" I didnt expect you to agree asshole!"

" you started yelling! you over grown child"

hongjoong groaned, rolling his eyes before going to pick up another box. he had gotten seonghwa to reluctantly agree to decorating the room that held the piano it it. the two going out to buy a few more instruments as well as furniture and plants.

originally seonghwa had picked out the furniture, saying this was his house. but to hongjoong he had to sense of decor style which lead him to picking out things. they cleaned off the piano, and windows. swept the floor. added a few plants into the room.

which somehow ended up in them flinging dirt at each other and having to sweep it all up again. seonghwa aggressively making sure everything was spotless. once the plants were in and settled then they added a white desk along with a few bean bag chairs. hongjoong moved 2 of the guitars from his room into here along with some of his equipment.

seonghwa got tired so instead of helping hongjoong like he agreed he just sat on of of the bean bags seeing how long it would take for hongjoong to notice. It took an hour. hongjoong  proceeding to nag at him.  and after close to six hours the two were finally done.

hongjoong sprawled out practically on the floor while seonghwa sat against the bean bag looking down at hongjoong with disapproval.  the august heat causing them to open the large window.

" im bored" Hongjoong said.

seonghwa looked down, now seeing hongjoong lying on his back. " I don't remember asking"

hongjoong groaned loudly throwing his arms down in any direction. " seonghwa~ im bored." he whined out pouting as he sat up looking at the older.

" hongjoong~ I dont care~"  seonghwa replied mocking hongjoong's whine.

" meanie.."

seonghwa smiled a small bit, getting up from his spot against the bean bag. he walked over to Hongjoong ruffling the younger's hair. the action only caused hongjoong too pout a bit more.

hongjoong stood up, his body slouched over as he walked behind seonghwa. the older more than confused as to why put didn't pester, maybe if he ignored it, he would go away.  he was right after about 5 minutes of hongjoong just following him for no reason what so ever, the younger got frustrated and stomped away to go sit on the couch.

"why don't u go call one of your friends?" seonghwa asked. Hongjoong sighed..friends.

" they're all busy"


seonghwa ultimately ended up getting hongjoong to go outside and do something, anything other than wallow in his own boredom induced self pity.  he needed to catch up on work anyways. he sat at his laptop typing, responding to emails while simultaneously drawing up some designs.

he had another 4 weeks to finish his campaign idea but no matter how hard he tried, nothing would come out, everything would either be designs he already made or something he just...didnt like.



seonghwa groaned, putting down his tea before he walked over to the door opening it. " joong, I thought I told y- mrs. kim?"seonghwa should've probably looked who it was before he automatically assumed it was hongjoong.

he stood there with a sheepish smile while his other hand scratched the back of his neck. hongjoong's mother raised her eyebrow wondering why she hadn't been let in yet. but as if on cue, seonghwa stepped aside letting her inside.

the very first thing she did was look around her eyes landing on one framed photo of hongjoong that stood there in place of what she presumed to be a vase.

" im guessing my sons out an about?" she raised an eyebrow towards her sons husband. all seonghwa could do was nod, a sudden shy feeling creeping up his spine before he cleared his throat to speak. " yes ma'am. he was bored so he went to get groceries. he should bee back soon if you want to wait for him."

sooyoung smiled seonghwa's politeness. he seemed much more lively now compared to how he was the wedding. " that won't be necessary, besides im here to talk to you actually."



" thank you darling." sooyoung said, using both hands to take the glass from seonghwa's hands as he gently tapped her shoulder and sat down in front of her. she took a sip from the glass her nose scrunching at the taste.

" strawberry tea?" seonghwa nodded, sipping some from his own glass. " mhm, its hongjoong's favorite so I assumed you'd like it too." sooyoung smiled at the little detail. her head nodding in approval as he took another sip from the cup.

" so how have you been seonghwa? has my son been a hassle ?"

seonghwa shook his head with a small smile on his face. he wouldn't necessarily pin hongjoong as a hassle. an annoyance of course but hassle not so much. "ive been good, as for Hongjoong I think he's just adjusting to spotlight"

sooyoung chuckled, she had figured hongjoong would have a hard time adjusting. he never really wanted to be apart of the company. although he was conceived solely for the purpose  of taking on the company once he was of age. " as I expected. how are you two getting along though?"

" honestly we tolerate each other."  he chuckled.

they continued to converse. partly through seonghwa began noticing little features on sooyoung that directly resembled hongjoong. like the little mole they shared on the side of their neck. the tiny button nose.

actually hongjoong took mostly after his mother which explained his softer milk skin.

"-so do you agree?"

seonghwa shook his head of his thoughts. damn.. how did he not realize she was talking. he can't just tell her he zoned out. " of course."

" great, your flight leaves tomorrow. "


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