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(The next morning)

Meg POV:

I woke up bright and early. I had to get to set, to get my hair and makeup done. But first I had to pick up Chandler and Ariel. We often rode off to set together. I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a lace purple shirt that would be comfortable to rehearse in. The three of us got in my rental car and drove over to set. Today Ariel wasn't very chatty. I think something was bothering her.

The three of us returned to set after about a ten minute drive. Ariel and Chandler went to go get their werewolf makeup done in a different trailer. I glanced over at Milo who was also heading to makeup. I had heard he had asked out Chandler. Which was odd to me. Was I jealous? No okay focus Meg.

I pulled my script out of my purse and began going over lines until it was time for my makeup to be done. Pearce suddenly pulled up in his car. Even from far away he looked exhausted. What had kept him up all night. Also in the passenger seat was his best friend Jason who often hung around the set. He was very close with Pearce and had started hanging with us. Pearce yawned and stumbled over to me.

"Hey Meg." Jason smiles.

"Hi...M..Meg." Pearce said between yawns.

"Good morning. Are you alright Pearce?" I asked

"Yeah just something happened last night. I didn't get much um... sleep."

I glance over to Jason and he shrugs. Pearce walks over to get his makeup done with Chandler and Ariel. Jason joins Trevor at craft services. Which was where all the snacks were. I continue going through lines.

"This is cheer camp where..." I start to rehearse.

Then I found myself staring at Milo through the window. He was seated in the makeup chair. A lady was putting his makeup on and he seemed to be enjoying a conversation with her. Then I looked over at Chandler. Ugh. I hated this feeling. Was it jealousy?

Carla POV:

I had to practice a scene with Meg today. I spot Meg staring through a window. I walk up to her.

"Hey Meg, are you okay?" I ask.

"Hey, Carla didn't see you there, I'm fine totally fine, nothing is bothering me at all, I'm not jealous of anyone, I'm fine, why would you think I'm not fine." Meg said very quickly.

"Meg, I know something is bothering you." I say.

I always know when something is bothering Meg. First of all, she talks really fast. Second, she uses a lot of words in her sentences. And last but not least, she is always distracted or she can't focus. She was doing all three of those things.

"Carla can you keep a secret?" Meg sighed.

"Of course." I say.

"Okay, Carla I think I'm jealous of Chandler and Milo's relationship. I think I like Milo, I'm not sure but I don't like this feeling, I've never been this kind of jealous. I mean I'm jealous of Vanessa Hudgens for being rich, cool, amazing, and famous, but I feel heartbroken too." Meg explains.

"So you're jealous of Chandler aren't you and you thought Milo liked you but now you're sad because now you know he doesn't feel the same way." I say.

"Yeah," Meg sighs.

"I thought Chandler was with Pearce or something." I ask slightly confused.

"Well Pearce has to choose between Chandler and Ariel. But he hasn't chosen so they're all single. And then Milo thought it was a good idea to ask out Chandler because Pearce basically dumped both of them.They were dumped like Zac dumped Vanessa." Meg screams.

"Meg you're getting off topic." I say.

I sit next to her and put an arm on her shoulder.

"So what I'm saying is that I think I like Milo and I'm jealous Chandler is sorta with him." Meg explains.

"But didn't you and Milo use to date?" I add.

"Yes but we decided to just say friends. But I guess my feelings are back. We're friends like Zac and Vanessa. But they had such a great relationship. They were couple goals. And now Vanessa is all alone without Zac in her life." Meg cries as she blows her nose into a tissue.

"Meg you're getting off topic. Now let's go rehearse that scene." I smile.

Pearce POV:

I trudged into the makeup trailer and collapsed into the chair. I hadn't gotten any sleep the night before after the whole Ariel thing. I groaned as the makeup lady came & with her cheerful smile. I tried to smile back but I just felt awful. I glanced over at Ariel and quickly looked back before she saw. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked terribly pale and had dark circles under my eyes. The makeup lady begins to put some stuff I think Meg had called foundation on.

I tried to stay still but I kept finding myself staring at Ariel and thinking about... stop Pearce. There was no way Ariel would want to be with me now even if she was always my first choice over Chandler or anyone for that fact.

"Stay still Mr. Joza." The makeup lady squawked.

"Sorry." I croaked back.

Today was gonna be a long day. 

YOU STOLE MY HEART (Ariel and Pearce)Where stories live. Discover now