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Chandler POV:

It was finally lunch after a long day of rehearsal. We hadn't even started filming yet. I spotted Milo sitting alone at a table. He was on his phone and he was eating some instant noodles. I run up behind him and ruffle his green dyed hair.

"Hi Chandly!" He smiles, placing down his phone.

"Hey, cutie." I wink.

"Want some noodles?" He asks pointing towards his styrofoam cup.

"No, actually I know this really good hamburger place down the street. Wanna go try it?" I smile sliding into the seat next to him.

"Why not?" He smiles, nudging me.

Meg POV:

Chandler was sitting next to Milo. Not across the table like a friend, right next to him. I was about to sit with him but Chandler beat me to it. I held my lunch with one hand and stared at the two talking. Milo looked so happy. Suddenly they stand up and walk towards me. I quickly move so I don't look like I'm staring. They walk past me and get into Milo's car.

Where were they off to? One part of me said "don't worry about it" but the other part of me said "follow them" I couldn't just follow them with no explanation. I needed to bring someone along. I glance at Pearce who's asleep on a table. No. Ariel seemed to be in an important conversation with Trevor. I looked over to Kylee on her phone. She didn't look busy.

"Hey Kylee." I cheerfully smile.

"Hey Meg. What are you doing?" She asks.

"Wanna come with me. On an adventure?"

"Sure but lunch is only another hour."

"We'll be fine." I say grabbing her hand.

Ariel POV:

I was talking to Trevor about the news of us getting casted as hosts on anew show called "Fam Jam '' We would be filming it after Zombies 2. And I had just got the email. This news really got my mind off Pearce. But then Pearce..I mean Trevor had to leave because he got a call from his girlfriend, Jordan. She was his co-star from the show "The Next Step" I think.

But once again I was left all alone. I looked around, Chandler and Milo were gone. And so were Meg and Kylee. Emilia, Noah, and Jasmine aka the ACEY's were getting ice cream or so I heard, James was in his trailer but he usually spent lunch watching some TV show. The only other option was Pearce. I really didn't want it to come to this. I glance over at Pearce who has his head on the table and is sleeping. I can hear the slightest snore as I walk towards him. But a hand grabs my shoulder and I immediately turn around in fear. I'm greeted by a taller, blond boy.

"Oh sorry to scare you. I'm Jason, Pearce's BFF and I'm a really big fan. I used to watch your musical.ly's." He gushed.

"Aw you're so sweet. Wait did you say you were Pearce's best friend?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm his BFF. We met in Colorado a long time ago because our parents were..."

"That's nice. So do you know what's up with him?" I say pointing to sleeping Pearce.

"No he came back to the hotel room really confused and scared. His cheeks were red, meaning he was embarrassed and I laughed at him. Then he just went to his room and locked the door. But I guess he didn't get any sleep." Jason explained.

"Yeah. So if you guys are really that close. Do you know his phone password?"

"Of course it's just his birthday. Hey can we talk later and I can maybe have a picture with you? I just heard they added breakfast burritos at craft services." He smiles.

We snap a selfie and he walks off. I look over at Pearce who is in deep sleep. I walk over to him. Where was his phone? I patted his shirt pockets and couldn't find it. Stalking someone's phone probably is a good idea but I wanted to know how he felt about me. I begin to pay down his pants pockets. There's no phone but I find a key that's labeled TRAILER. Okay snooping in someone's phone is one thing but his trailer was a whole new thing. But a little snooping never hurt anyone...

A/N: just to clear up confusion Jason is Pearce's best friend from his hometown in Colorado. Chandler mentioned in an Instagram Live that Jason often hung around the set. So we decided to include him. You can also see him in many of Pearce's Instagram Lives.

YOU STOLE MY HEART (Ariel and Pearce)Where stories live. Discover now