Chapter 1- The Beginning

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You got off the plane and waited for a taxi to come. It had been a long day for you so you were tired. The taxi pulled up and you got in. "Address?" He asked. You checked your phone for the note you had been sent by a woman called Mrs Hudson. "221B Baker Street, Westminster" you replied in a quiet manner. You were never very loud as a child. There had only been once when you decided to speak up and well, you were laughed at for mumbling and stuttering. Ever since that moment you didn't talk to many people incase they were secretly judging you or laughed at you, which you found very upsetting. The driver started driving and you sat, looking out the window as the rain began to fall. You both didn't speak at all during the 2 hour journey. Probably because he sensed how awkward you were feeling. You pulled your phone out and decided to message your best friend from high school. Her name was F/N. She had always been there for you when people bullied and teased you. She was like your sister. She still lived in Scotland, where you both grew up, but now you were in London, travelling to your new home.

The taxi arrived and you paid the driver. He helped you get your stuff from the back and you thanked him with a small happy smile. You dragged your suitcases and bags up on to the pavement and knocked on the door. An old lady answered and said, "Oh, hello there dear. You must be Y/N, I'm Mrs Hudson." You smiled and opened your mouth to reply but she suddenly said with a worried kind of smile, "please come in before you catch a cold dear, we don't want you sick we?". You shook your head before walking through the big black door, your bags dragging behind you. Suddenly you heard a shockingly loud bang from upstairs. You flinched and backed up against the wall. Mrs Hudson put her hand on your shoulder. " It's okay dear, it's only the men living upstairs." She reassured me, though I'm not sure that was reassuring at all. "Anyway, I'll show you the flat, maybe you could pop in and see them on the way up." ..."Mrs Hudson, I'm sorry but I'd rather not meet them yet, if you don't mind. It's just..I'm tired and it's been a long day." You said tiredly while putting your fingers through your messy hair. "Oh that's fine, Y/N. Just get settled in then." She handed you the keys and you both got to the flat's door. "If theres anything wrong I'll be downstairs, okay?"... "Okay" You replied with a little smile. She made her way slowly downstairs and opened the door of your new neighbours. As she walked in, she turned around and looked up to give you a wave as she shut the door. You heard her say "Your new neighbour has just arrived" and a manly voice replied with an unimpressed "hmmmph". "Oh, great" you thought to yourself, "just what I need, grumpy neighbours to constantly annoy me", as you walked inside your new flat. This was your new beggining and you were excited.

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