there are things i wish i could share.
when i say i have pride as a joke, i sorta mean it.
pride is a fragile thing.
so easy to ruin.
this image you have of me.
i want it to stay that way.
i want you.
and i get scared that all that honesty is long overdue. when it happens it'd be too much. and you wouldnt want me anymore.
im embarrasssed.
i dont want to be the sort of person who hides things, but i do it because i couldnt bare the thought of you knowing.
and not wanting me anymore.
completely irrational.
maybe it isnt.
im worried being honest will mess things up for me.
if i was open and honest and shared my flaws with you, as i have, scratched the surface-you're just so kind i dont know what i'd do.
you're so fuckin willing to love and remind me that honesty isnt forced, that its ok to keep things to myself. saying sorry for everything isnt necessary, rushing to defend myself, that theres no need for it.
you're too good to me, baby.
no one should be that sweet.
that loving.
i keep thinking one day i'll tell you.
i'll be honest.
cause i want you enough to do that.
want you enough to share all of me.
its yours.

to you, my love.
Romancelove [ləv] NOUN an intense feeling of deep affection. synonyms: deep affection · fondness · tenderness · warmth · intimacy · [more] a great interest and pleasure in something. synonyms: liking · weakness · partiality · bent · leaning · proclivity ·...