they say that people fall in love at least twice in their life.
how many times do they fall out of it?
how many times have i been in love i wonder.
each person you love in a way that differs from the others.
i love you.
i feel it in everything that i am and love has never been nicer.
i never would have expected that i could care for someone so much. that i could feel so much love.
i wonder, if love is like the rain, why would people ever need umbrellas?
because love is scary sometimes.
cold, comes in a downpour even.
but you've dripped down onto my shoulders when i hadnt been looking, and i've always fancied the rain honestly.
so much that i could dance in it.
thats what i want.
to stand there, soaked in your love and to sing to you.
this is love.
the way the flowers bloom under the sun, the scent of them making me dizzy. the melodies i hear when i think of you. the flood of warmth when you tell me you love me. the feeling of calm on a Saturday.
the small things.
loving you has made me realize that all of these small things are important. that they're something bringing me happiness too.
a bee buzzing off to my left.
the milky color of my cats fur under certain lights.
how cool summer time gets at night.
the rush of heat to the ears.
wishing you were here with me even now, so i could hear your voice.
melt under your gaze.
since i've met you im excited to greet the day.
everyday is good.
your laughter.
your presence.
you you you.
my wish, to be there.
so long as stars shine and cats purr i'll be here loving you.
you and me, this is love.
you've helped me see that everything in the world is love itself.
the glow-in-the-dark moon and planets on my ceiling.
planning what sheets we'll have on our bed.
love love love.
ink on paper, the click of a computer mouse.
love love love.
your blush, my love for you.
i could go on forever.
come closer so i can hold you.
you can hear my heart, no?
this is love, baby.

to you, my love.
Romancelove [ləv] NOUN an intense feeling of deep affection. synonyms: deep affection · fondness · tenderness · warmth · intimacy · [more] a great interest and pleasure in something. synonyms: liking · weakness · partiality · bent · leaning · proclivity ·...