"just thinking about her makes me hurt sometimes.
to think and be far apart is like being underwater, gasps of air leaving my body and im surprised i've never drowned like that.
too think and not breathe her in afterwards is death itself.
it makes me burn all over.
and i sort of love it too sometimes.
it doesn't matter where i am, what im doing-im sorta addicted to her.
the smallest of sounds or a taste, a smell, a view and i always making some connection to her, and she could probably honestly be in the same room as me and still i'd get choked up, miss her more and want her anyway."

to you, my love.
Romancelove [ləv] NOUN an intense feeling of deep affection. synonyms: deep affection · fondness · tenderness · warmth · intimacy · [more] a great interest and pleasure in something. synonyms: liking · weakness · partiality · bent · leaning · proclivity ·...