A lot of confusion

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Chapter 3

A lot of confusion

At the coffee shop when I was with Sherly, the guy that was taking our order seemed new. Looked about my age. " I'll have a--" I stoped talking because he wasn't giving me any contact whatsoever. " Sorry my boss, " I'm not so sure of why he cut off his sentence but he didn't stop talking untill he looked me dead in the eye. "Hi, Um, I'm Peter,What can I get you? " after I placed my order and sat down Sherly would not stop giving me a stare down. Her grin was slightly embarrassing but creepy. "Do you need something?" I had to ask her like I was agervated or in a way of how a mother would react to this situation. "He didn't finish his sentence Clair," she paused ," you know what that means." "Sherly I can't read your mind you have to tell me," what else was I going to say? "That's the first sign of someone who likes you. " " Ugh, the last thing I need is a boyfriend right now," I couldn't have acted so sure of myself. "Okay whatever, your choice of losing a great opportunity." I shrugged. When Peter handed my mom the ticket she handed it to me, " I suppose you would want to see this." In clear, neat handwriting had a number on it with a note:

Text/ call me. -Peter

Later that night around nine I texted him and said," hey." then I put my phone down and ate super. When I came back to my room there was three missed calls from Peter so I called him back. Now I think I know why people stay up so late to talk to someone. At school Austin kept flirting with me. That was scary because i thought he didn't like me that way. I really hope he does not because i dont like him. He texted me first every day and that was strange. I knew for sure he liked me but i wouldn't admit the truth to myself. The truth hurts and i didn't want to fall apart. After a week i told Austin that i wanted to stay single for a while, but i didn't mention anything about him, or Peter. Soon he laid off, now any type if flirting wasn't flirting it was just himself and he quit texting me so much. I'll admit i kinda missed the texting but i could live without it. Peter asked me to go to the movies with him on Friday. I agreed to go but now I am kinda nervous. During the movie it seemed like he wasn't paying a bit of attention to it. He would adjust, then adjust again. After what seemed like fifteen minutes into the movie he got up and went to the bathroom. Then when he came back i started telling him what happened but he didn't seem to care. Half way into the movie i noticed we were holding hands. It felt like nothing so i kept changing the thoughts into my mind, not paying a bit of attention myself, Im not sure if i like Peter, was his mind of something different from what i thought that he thought of me?

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