facetime calls*

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This is inspired by a comment on tiktok, so all the credits go to the person that commented it!


''So she fell down trying to ski.'' You laughed, telling your best friend Tamaki how your day went. It was currently winter break so you guys were away from each other. You kept on telling your story, not noticing Tamaki wasn't even listening.

Tamaki was busy looking at you so he spaced out for a while. He admired how you would smile, telling how your sister failed at skiing. He admired how your h/c hair, fell down your shoulders. He admired how your eyes shined brightly, filled with happiness. He admired how you were talking softly. He simply admired every little thing about you, falling for you more and more with the second. What he didn't notice since he spaced out, was that you stopped talking and looked back at him.

''Hey Tama?'' You said and he shocked out of his gaze. ''Yeah sounds amazing.'' He said softly, blushing a bit since he got caught staring. ''Were you even listening?'' You giggled. ''Yeah sorry I spaced out a little.'' He said with a shy smile. ''It's okay Tama.'' You smiled at him, making the butterflies fly around in his stomach. ''You're so cute...'' He mumbled softly, not noticing he said it out loud. ''Aww thank you.'' You said with a blush and he got all flustered, realizing he said it out loud.

He would simply do anything to make him yours, but he was too scared to ruin the friendship you guys have had since middle school. He didn't wanna risk losing you, his best friend and crush, so he just loved you from a distance keeping all his feelings hidden, even though it was getting harder with the day, since he fell for you more and more with the second.


tHis one was short i apologize for that

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