smiley face*

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This is inspired by a comment on tiktok, so all the credits go to the person that commented it!

You laughed at yourself as you put stickers on your shoes, stickers with smiley faces to be exact. Why exactly would someone put stickers on their shoes in the first place? But then again, it was your own idea to make your boyfriend feel better in public.

Tamaki definitely was a introvert, he gets really anxious around crowds or at busy places and wasn't the best with social skills, you were aware of that even before the two of you started dating. Tamaki being the way he is didn't change your opinion on him and you still loved him regardless. You fell for Tamaki because he's like that after all.

The only thing that got in the way sometimes was that you guys couldn't really go on dates to the fair or movies and other places with a lot of people. Tamaki noticed after a while how excited you got from seeing places like that and finally had the courage to ask you out on a date to the zoo. That's how you ended up here putting smiley face stickers on your shoes. You put the stickers on your shoes so when he looks down whenever he's nervous you hope he'll see it and relax a bit, knowing you're right there next to him.

Just when you grabbed your bag, you heard a knock on the door and you opened it excitedly, pulling Tamaki in a hug right away. ''H Hey y/n.'' He said as he turned red while hugging you back. ''Hi Tama, I'm so excited!'' You smiled at him when you pulled away from the hug and he nodded. ''Me t too..'' He answered. ''Let's go then?" He asked and you nodded, grabbing his hand.

You locked your door and you guys started walking towards the zoo hand in hand since it was a short walk anyways. You guys arrived and you saw Tamaki getting more anxious with the second. ''Hey Tama, it's okay.'' You said softly as you squeezed his hand and he squeezed yours in return. It was your turn at the ticket line and just when you were about to speak up Tamaki interrupted you.

''T Two tickets for the w whole day p please.'' He said quickly, leaving you in shock. This man hated ordering food and yet he just got you guys tickets. The cashier gave him the tickets and wished you guys a good day after he paid. You guys started walking again and you turned to him.

''Tama I'm so proud of you.'' You smiled as he relaxed a bit. ''I It was so scary.. But I got to c change!'' He answered quickly. ''You don't have to change for anyone, I love you the way you are.'' You said as you pecked his lips, making him relax a bit more. ''T Thank you.'' He said and you smiled. ''Of course! Now let's have fun.'' You said excitedly and Tamaki nodded quickly.

Tamaki and you started walking around and it was getting more crowded with the second, making Tamaki his anxiety spike up. He couldn't take it anymore and squeezed your hand while he looked down. Tamaki saw your shoes and frowned for a second. He looked at it again and relaxed a bit as a smile grew on his face.

''D Did you do that for me?" Tamaki asked, carefully looking up from the ground again and you nodded. ''It's okay that you're scared, I just did that to remind you I'm always here.'' You answered. ''A All for me?" He asked kind of in shock that anyone would do that for him.

''All for you Tamaki.'' You said with a smile as you pulled him in a kiss. To your surprise Tamaki kissed back, totally forgetting that you guys were in public. He put his hands on your sides and you felt him relax under your touch. When you pulled back he rested his forehead against yours as a smile crept on your face.

''I'm so proud of you.'' You said softly and that moment was the moment Tamaki realized he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. He never thought that someone would actually think about his anxiety and try to help him with it. The moment he realized you did think about it and didn't judge him for it, made him realize he wants to spends the rest of his life with you.

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