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felix could feel his every nerve. changbin's gentle hands had awakened and electrified his every sense, and he had barely stopped himself from leaning into his touch.

he did not want to allow himself to understand what was happening, he could not let himself believe it and hurt himself when he turned out to be wrong. but the second that changbin's lips touched his, he knew this was real. he felt as though he was drowning, the feeling swallowing him like waves, and the shock rooting him to his spot.

then, just as it started, it was over.

felix still felt like he was underwater as changbin pulled away.

"i'm... i'm sorry," the voice was muffled through the roaring in felix's ears, "i just... i thought..."

changbin stepped back, and in a sudden burst of realization felix snapped back to his senses. he was suffocating, but he still wanted more. he needed more.

so before changbin could retreat further, felix grabbed his wrist and pulled him to face him again. changbin's mouth parted slightly in surprise as felix threaded his fingers into his hair and pulled changbin's lips back to his.

everything flared up once again.

this kiss was different. he felt every limb on fire as the emotion licked them both with it's flames. felix bit at changbin's bottom lip a little too hard, drawing blood and a low noise, resembling a growl, from the back of changbin's throat.

felix's mind was a mess as he tasted the salt of changbin's tears and the metallic tang of blood against his lips. or were they his tears? perhaps both.

changbin's arms snaked around his waist, pulling them flush against one another as the inferno continued to burn inside the both of them.

perhaps it was a few seconds, or a few minutes, but they finally pulled away from one another. felix was breathing heavily as the cold raindrops soothed his ignited skin, he half expected the droplets to hiss as they fell on the two of them.

"i'm still mad at you," felix tried to say, but it came out as a rasp.

"i know," changbin said softly as he moved back from where he was pressed against felix. he licked gingerly at where felix had bitten into his lip, he wasn't sure if felix had done that out of anger or passion. taking felix's hand, he continued, "let's get your arm cleaned up first, okay?"

it felt as though everything came colliding down on him, and felix felt exhaustion suddenly take over as he let changbin lead him under the tree to shelter them from the rain. not that it mattered, they were both soaked anyways. although, it didn't bother them as they looked each other, as though seeing each other for the first time.

felix didn't want to fool himself, but he could swear that he saw the stars in changbin's eyes as the elder looked at him lovingly. this was all he had ever wanted, but now that he had it, he didn't know what to do.

they both sat on the ground and changbin took out a first aid kit from his bag, working quickly on felix's injury. felix hissed slightly at the sting as changbin finished tied a bandage tightly around the wound.

looking up at him, changbin muttered a sorry before lifting felix's arm and placing a soft kiss on palm, then one on his wrist and then moving up to the bandage, peppering small kisses on his arm.

"i love your freckles," changbin said softly, looking up at felix and letting go of his arm to reach forward and trace over them gently with his fingers, "they look like stars scattered across your cheeks. they're beautiful."

"i love your arms," felix replied as he glanced at changbin's arm. he scrunched his nose at changbin's ticklish gesture and smirked, "i think they're sexy as hell."

letting out a short burst of laughter, changbin maneuvered away from felix, much to his disappointment. "oh lix, never change."

"y'know, i like this confident side of you," felix said, forgetting about his rampaging heart as he shuffled toward changbin. with a sudden move, he pushed changbin onto his back, causing changbin to let out a surprised puff of air. changbin's face turned red, and felix couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips as he hovered over him, "but i definitely like the flustered side even more."

he was about to lean down to kiss changbin when his injured arm smarted painfully. he tried to hide his wince, but changbin noticed, sitting up and gently pushing him off. "stop, you're putting too much pressure on your arm."

"god, i finally have the chance to do whatever i want to you, and this stupid injury is ruining everything," felix replied sulkily as he sat next to changbin.

changbin's face turned an even deeper shade of red, if that was even possible. felix only gave him an innocent smile, although the thoughts going through his mind certainly weren't innocent.

"i'm sorry for what i said before," changbin whispered, sobering up, "i didn't mean it, i hope you know that. i was upset, and i exaggerated. it wasn't fair to you."

"i know," felix responded, swallowing. changbin seemed to watch his adam's apple bob as he continued, "and i'm sorry too. we were both angry, and said things we didn't mean."

shuffling closer, changbin rested his head on felix's shoulder, taking felix's hand in his and placing a soft kiss on the back. felix couldn't help but laugh out loud, "changbin? is this really you? the same changbin who could barely look me in the eyes before?"

changbin lifted his face so they were looking at one another and smiled, "i told you i loved you, didn't i?"

felix didn't know how to describe the way his heart softened at changbin's words and gentle smile.  "i love you too, binnie," he whispered, nearly falling apart as he saw the way changbin's smile widened, showing his full cheeks.

he moved and pressed his lips against changbin's, soft and sweet as the world slowed around them. blissful seconds where it was them and only them. safe in each other's embrace. 

if he wasn't determined enough to survive before, he certainly was now. shifting to lessen the pressure on his injured arm, he leaned against the tree, pulling changbin closer and letting the elder snuggle into his warmth.

they were going to survive.

there was no other option.

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