chapter one

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- warnings: manhandling? 


You knocked rapidly on Hongjoong and Seonghwa's apartment door, knowing full well that the rest of the boys would be there too. Sure enough, Yeosang answered, moving quickly out of the way to let you in.

"You guys won't believe what's happened," you squatted down to take off your shoes while you spoke.

Wooyoung turned from the tv to look at you, "Some poor soul finally decided to sleep with you,"

You smacked the back of his head, "You talk a lot of smack for a virgin, Wooyoungie,"

He scoffed incredulously, "I'm NOT a virgin, I've slept with so many girls, right guys?"

The room was completely silent.

"Glad to know everyone knows how barren your bed is. But no this has nothing to do with my vagina," you perched on the couch arm and grabbed a piece of pizza from the box on the table.

Hongjoong walked through from the kitchen holding two cups, "Does this have anything to do with Chan's recent Snapchat story?"

"Finally, someone's paying attention," you thanked him for the cup of tea and placed it on a coaster on the coffee table.

"What does Bang Chan have to do with you banging our front door down?" Seonghwa spoke from next to you on the couch, making you startle at his hostile tone.

You tried to subtly move away from him, opting to sit on the couch arm by Wooyoung instead.

It's not that Seonghwa was a bad guy, the opposite in fact. He looked after all the boys like they were family; he was always making sure they got home safe after a night out, offering to study with them, getting them out of trouble constantly. He was the perfect friend. To everyone but you.

Hongjoong had been your neighbour and platonic soulmate since diapers, and Seonghwa being Hongjoong's best friend meant you had to spend time with him. All the time. When you first met each other, you got along really well immediately, and you quickly became The Three Musketeers.

Playdates turned into sleepovers, sleepovers turned into parties, and parties turned into nights out, and somewhere along the line you and Seonghwa drifted apart. You don't even know why or how it happened; whether it was puberty or if you offended him somehow, but he now can't stand your existence and you try to avoid him at all costs.

"Well," you sighed taking a bite of pizza, "my sister's wedding is over Christmas break and Chan was supposed to be my plus one for it. But now he's gone and gotten himself a lovely girlfriend who, understandably so, doesn't want him going away for a week with a girl that isn't her. So now I'm back to being the best woman without a date and it's going to be so embarrassing," you took another bite of pizza, drowning your sorrows in food.

"You know I'd take you, but I have to finish my music practical, sorry sweetie," Hongjoong commented from where he was sat on the floor, giving you a sympathetic smile.

"I've got exams, or I'd happily go with you," Mingi turned to you, mimicking Hongjoong's expression.

"Same here," agreed Yeosang and Wooyoung.

You smiled and waved them off, "Guys don't worry it's one night, I'll live,"

Hongjoong turned around and looked at you hesitantly, "Uhh, Isn't Nathan going to be there?"

You smiled tightly back, "Yes, but I'm ignoring that,"

"Look," Wooyoung sat up in his seat, "I get that you two are like an old couple with your inside jokes and pet names, but the rest of us are oblivious, so who the fuck is Nathan?" He interjected.

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