chapter three

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- warnings: violence, manhandling, non-consensual touching/groping 


You woke up to the sound of soft singing. The room is warm and smelled fresh and earthy. You sat up slowly, rubbing your eyes and glancing around the room.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Seonghwa's voice calls from the open bathroom, you could see him shaving in the mirror.

"Mornin', Merry Christmas," you reached over to the bedside table and grabbed your phone, responding to messages and sending Christmas wishes to your friends and family.

"Oh yeah that reminds me, your gift is in my bag, can you grab it please?"

"You got me a gift?" You slid out of bed and walked over to the bag, pulling out a small rectangular box wrapped in brown paper and tied with string.

He walked out of the bathroom, "Well yeah, of course, I didn't want to look like a bad plus one,"

You laughed nervously, "I didn't get you a present,"

He rummaged in his bag, the smell of his cologne becoming more apparent as he got painfully close to you, "Really? 'Cause this watch I definitely didn't buy for myself looks like a present to me," he pulled out a small box wrapped in black and gold wrapping paper and handed it to you.

"You really think of everything huh?" He smirked, pulling on a fuzzy Christmas jumper.

"I'm amazing, I know. Now go get ready,"

"Merry Christmas you two!" Your mum called from the kitchen when you walked into the main building.

"Merry Christmas," you both called back, greeting everyone as you walked towards the kitchen, dragging Seonghwa with you, "you need any help?"

The kitchen was overflowing with food preparations, the room smelt so amazing already. Diane, Jack and Lou orchestrated the entire food operation.

Lou waved you over, "I've got a bunch of veggies to prep if you two want to help," she handed over the other peeler to Seonghwa and you stood on the other side of him, chopping the vegetables he handed you, falling into a rhythm.

The three of you caught up on life, university and spoke about the wedding. It warmed you to see Seonghwa finally get a chance to speak to your family, you couldn't help the guilty feeling that settled in your stomach.

The two of you swapped around the kitchen, helping chop, stir and stuff various dishes. You were currently crushing and adding spices to a big batch of mulled wine.

"Y/n? can you go grab more firewood for us please?" Your mum called from the lounge, you sighed and dusted off your hands.

"Hey, it's fine, I'll grab it,"

You shook your head, "No it's fine, she's only asking me to do it because she's too awkward to ask anyone else. Watch the mulled wine for me, don't let it boil over,"

A look of panic washed over him and you laughed, "I'll be back in less than two minutes, you'll be fine,"

You grabbed your coat and began the trudge to the shed. You pushed open the door, it proved to be a lot more difficult than last time due to an increase in snow, "Need a hand?"

You jumped, knocking your head on a log, "Ouch, what the fuck? Why are you out here Nathan?" You held your forehead, checking for any blood.

"I saw you come out here by yourself, I didn't think you should be carrying such heavy logs all by yourself," he came closer, leaning on the shed door.

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