chapter two

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You woke up early in the morning shivering. Seonghwa had hogged the blankets in the below freezing room. You scooched closer to him and yanked some of the blanket free from his iron grasp, immediately feeling his residual body heat absorb into your skin.

"Mmmph," he rolled over, facing you, and tried to grab the blanket back.

"Seonghwa, piss off, I need blanket too," your foot grazed his leg as you fought to keep your blanket.

He yelped and his eyes shot open, "Jesus, what was that?"

"My foot, idiot,"

He relaxed back into the pillow, "Why are you so cold?"

"Because of you and your blanket hogging,"

"Mmmsorry," he threw an arm over you and pulled you into his chest, tucking your head under his chin.

"Seonghwa, what the fuck?" You objected but made no attempt to leave.

"You're clearly freezing and I want to go back to sleep but you won't let me until you get warm, two birds one stone," his voice was so deep and filled with sleep, you could feel the vibrations through your entire body.

"Only cause I'm cold,"

"Mmhmm, whatever you say Y/n,"


The next time you open your eyes you're met with the black fabric of Seonghwa's t-shirt. Your bodies were intertwined, the smell of him completely engulfing you. As much as it pained you to admit, you wanted to stay like that for the rest of the day.

But your bladder had other ideas.

You gently wiggled out of his grasp and padded over to the bathroom, cursing yourself for not putting the heating on yet.

When you had finished your business, you wandered through the cabin to the mini kitchen space and turned on the heating. You contemplated making a cup of tea, but the lack of milk and sugar made it seem pointless, so you dejectedly crawled back into bed to try to warm up again.

You found yourself admiring Seonghwa's sleeping figure. His unfairly clear skin was perfectly tanned, his lips were pushed into a squishy pout by the cheek he was sleeping on, his long lashes rested delicately on the tops of his cheeks. He was kind of beautiful.

"I thought I told you it was rude to stare," his voice startled you and you jumped slightly, making him laugh in that obnoxiously dreamy morning voice.

"I wasn't staring, my eyes are closed,"

You watched the corners of his lips curl up, "Sure. Did you turn on the heating?" He stretched out his body, releasing low groans as his joints cracked. He sounded far too sexual for your liking.

"Yep, should be warm enough for a shower tonight,"

He nodded in response, "Would you like to go get food?"

"I'm kind of nervous to run into Nathan again,"

"God, I can't believe you dated him,"

"Yeah, I know okay? It was a big mistake,"

"Understatement of the century." He scoffed.

You sat up in bed, and looked down at him, "You've been nice to me so far, why are you digging at me now?"

He sat up too, sighing, "I agreed to play nice for the wedding, just like you wanted me to. I never agreed to forgiveness and friendship,"

You laughed incredulously, "You know what? Fine, be an ass," you threw the blanket off of you and took your bag through to the bathroom.

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