Am i doing the right thing?

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Narrated by Elio

We drove in the car for about twenty minutes more or less. We stopped in a field outside the city, it was completely empty, it seemed the perfect place for a kidnapping. I was scared that Oliver went to places like that, I had no idea where we were.

- You're good? - He asked opening the door for me so I could get out.

- Is there a reason why I shouldn't be? - I said with a doubtful tone.

- Not at all, I've only seen you with a bad face and I wanted to know what was wrong with you

- I don't know, I don't like this place ...

- Do you trust me? - He asked seriously.

- I will always do it.

- So come with me. - He said as he took a backpack out of the trunk.

We headed up some wooden stairs that led to a beautiful beach, we started to go down and the views were impressive, we could see the border between the sky and the sea, a deep blue that collided with crystal clear water at the end, it was beautiful.

We went down all the stairs and walked on the fine white sand, it didn't burn since it was getting dark and it had been a while without giving it the sun.

Oliver produced two towels, a ball and two cigarettes. We lay down and started talking while we smoked, it was no longer hot and it was very comfortable.

- Did you have all this prepared from the beginning? - I asked, unable to avoid putting on a smile.

- It actually occurred to me when we went out, I thought we could be somewhere more "alone" and I prepared it in case we had enough time - he said embarrassed, he knew he didn't want to sound corny and romantic but he loved doing those things.

- How did you discover this place? There is hardly anyone and that is a bit weird here.

- People usually go to the other side of the beach. One day I decided to see how far I could get from where I was and I found this cove. It is my place, only mine.

I remembered when I showed him my place two years ago, so many memories came to my mind when I was with him ... they were all amazing.

- And what do you usually do here?

- He came to swim, take a walk on the sand or just sit and watch the waves break when they reach the shore, it helps me calm down when I'm not feeling well.

- Do you feel that way very often?

- Yes ..., I feel that they don't understand me, also I have had discussions with Dakota lately, since we decided to postpone the wedding, she has insisted on doing it as soon as possible the last months, she wants to make sure that if we have another fight he could not leave it ..

- Oliver .., you cannot be with a person by obligation, it has to be because both people want to do it freely.

- You don't understand .., she wants to get rid of that topic as soon as possible, she even suggested that we get married in an office and not do a ceremony or go to church, just to have the certificate ... She also has the support of my parents, which complicates things even more ..

He hung his head and began to sigh, every time we talked about it his attitude changed, he behaved cold, as if he didn't want to talk about it. I tried to cheer him up, I wanted to enjoy him as long as I could.

- Shall we go swimming? - I said throwing the cigar in a bag.

- Elio, you know we don't have swimsuits ..

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