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[Sana's POV]

I was playing the game until T is not Alien private messaged through the game chat.

"Hey, do you want to fight the boss at level 24?"

"Sure. But can I bring my friend and her couple together?"

"No problem."

I then ask Mina to join me along with her couple and we start to head towards the venue of level 24.

"What a coincidence. You and Penguin MMN are friends. T is not Alien and I are also friends." not shorty CY said.

"Really? What a small world." I replied and we start to fight the minions first before fighting the boss.

And all thanks to T is not Alien with the final blow, we won the fight.

After we finished the fight, Mina and her couple left because they want to fight other boss first so T is not Alien and I went to somewhere else.

Just then, we saw a bandit being sneaky.

We know that he wanted to rob another player's skills because in that game, only bandits will do that.

T is not Alien then chained him up using one of his powered chains while I walked towards him.

"How dare you do such thing to other?" I said.

"Whatever. Since you know about this, I will let you guys punish me any way you want. If you want, you can also use your sword to kill me." He said.

"Hmm... Killing you like this is too easy for you." I replied and start searching through my inventory.

I then found my level 1 knife which only deals little damage.

I picked the knife and command it to stab the bandit until his life is totally gone.

But that is going to take a long time because his life was 12,000 while the damage is only 1 per second.

After that, we left the scene.

"Hey T is not Alien. People are saying that you are not human because you didn't post your picture on the social board. Is it true?"

"Of course I am a human. What about you? That goes the same for you as well."

"Well... I just feel like there is not a need for putting up my pictures on the social board."

"Same reason here. Wait, I got a present for you."

He then bring me to the venue and I saw a soul beast.

The soul beast helps to fight the boss as well and it brings up the skill level.

"Where do you get this?" I asked.

"You don't have to know."

After that, I fed my soul beast while dreaming about how charming T is not Alien will be like in real life.

'How does he look like?' I thought.

Just then, Mina tapped my shoulder.


"Tzuyu oppa is now in school." Mina said.

"Really?!" I then dashed towards the balcony since there is only one route from the front gate to our school.

I saw him walking towards the school.

A girl passed him a letter but he totally ignored the girl and continue walking, not even looking at other girls.

"Wow... So cold..." Mina said and I frowned.

"I pity that girl." I said.

"Whatever. It's not our business." Mina said and went back to study.

I then look at the time and start packing up my things.

"Do you want to follow me to the history elective?" I asked but she shook her head.

"That class is so boring. I will head for the other electives." Mina said and I left the dorm.

I then went to the history elective class and sat down at my usual spot.

I took out the things needed for lesson and waited for the professor to come.

After a while, I heard a lot of mumbling and noise behind me.

I look back to see Tzuyu oppa walking towards me.

I quickly turned back to face the front and calmed down myself.

But he is making me worse as he sat down at a seat just beside me.

I took my book and open it up to a random page.

I used it to cover my face while I smile crazily behind the book.

I then lowered the book to my eye level and look towards him.

He turned around and catch me looking at him.

I quickly raised back the book to cover my face and laugh silently.

After that, the professor walked into the class and he seems shocked.

Oh ya, by the way, the professor is also Tzuyu oppa's father.

His mother is actually one of the school's discipline master.

"Oh, first time seeing the classroom fulled. Well, about what we said the last time, let's see who is the one that didn't focus during my lesson." He said and looked around to choose who to call.

"Hmm... How about you? The girl in the black tee at the second row." He called and I stood up.

I then start to tell my research about the homework for the last lesson.

After I finished telling my research, I sit back down and the professor smiled.

"Well, unfortunately I picked someone who listened. Guess I will know who listen to my lesson. Miss Sana, you did a good job." The professor praised and I bowed to him.

He then continue with his lecture and in between, many people fall asleep because they are actually here for Tzuyu oppa.

After the lecture, I handed up my essay report and he left the class.

People start gathering around Tzuyu oppa and me just to take picture of Tzuyu oppa.

I then packed my things and because the class seats are like the ones in movie theatre, so there is only one way our but Tzuyu oppa is seating outside.

I pluck up my courage, finally decided to talk to him but when I faced him, I just don't have that courage anymore.

He then looked at me and ask me,

"You wanna go out?"

I then nodded and he stood up to walk out, making a space for me to walk out.

I thanked him and quickly left the class.

[Tzuyu's POV]

After I saw Sana left in a rush, I start to pack up my things as well.

'Why is she so cute?' I thought and left the class.

I then went to the boys dorm to find Chaeyoung.

After I meet up with Chaeyoung, we then went to the school cafeteria.

"Why do you suddenly want come to the school's cafeteria? And specially this cafeteria? It is so far away from the dorm." Chaeyoung complained.

"Nothing. Just wanted to try the food here." I said.

'Because of Sana.' I thought and mentally smiled.


They are meeting soon! Just one spoiler, when they meet, they will be official couple already!
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THE GAME [Tzuyu | Sana] ft. Michaeng {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now