Let Me Dwell on My Dream

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"Sawadee khrub, Par Kan." Thoss and I offered a wai at Par the moment she opened the door.

"Aow, N'Thye, N'Thoss, Sawadee jha." She also offered a wai and we both smiled at her. "What brings you here?" She asked but I was too shy to speak so I signaled Thoss to do the talking and he nodded.

"Ahm, err, Thye said that he wanted to cook some of Grandpa Tharn's favorite but as we all know, he suck at cooking and I don't know how to cook Grandpa Tharn's favorite either so we decided to ask for your help and invite you also. If you won't mind, Par." Thoss said and Par Kan looked at me, a little surprised. So I smiled at her shyly. She then chuckled before patting my shoulder.

"Of course. I would love to." She answered and I sighed in relief.

"Khob khun khrub, Par Kan." I said happily and she nodded again while smiling.

"Have you bought the ingredients?" She asked and we both nodded.

"Then why are we still standing here? Let's do this." She said excitedly and we both laughed as we walk towards the car.

"Ai'Tharn?" I called my husband when I didn't see him at the living room where he usually stay while waiting for us. Thoss and Par Kan headed to the back door so that Tharn won't see them as we all planned to surprise him. I removed my shoes and headed towards the stairs. Tharn is probably inside the master's bedroom which is a good thing. So I went straight to the room and opened it. Only to see Tharn peacefully sleeping on the bed. I smiled as I tiptoed my way towards him and carefully sat beside him, not wanting to disturb his precious nap.

I stared at his face and he looked handsome as always. Just like the first time we met. If I can recall it properly, Type was kind of stunned upon seeing his roommate as he was oozing with sex appeal and is really a beautiful creature. Well, I totally understand as I am also whipped because of this sleeping beautiful creature.

I can't even stop myself from smiling as I scan all his beautiful features starting to his prominent nose, his thin lips which tastes sweet every time I touch it with mine. His brows and of course, even his closed eyes screams perfection to me.

'How lucky I am to have you, Ai'Tharn?'

I can remember some of the horrible things Type did to Tharn. And I can't help but to feel thankful as Tharn remained the same and still loved the hardheaded and grumpy Type. I don't know what to do if it ended the other way around and Tharn didn't stayed with Type until his last breath. I can't even imagine myself without this man. Either he's alive or just a spirit. I'd still want to keep him. To be with him. Either as Type or as Thye or even with another different name. I would still want to be with him.

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