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❨ 008 : ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀʏ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ ❩

THE TEAM REACHED THE PLACE WHERE MAGNUS hides with their weapons raised and looking around cautiously

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THE TEAM REACHED THE PLACE WHERE MAGNUS hides with their weapons raised and looking around cautiously. "Magnus's lair is right behind that fence." Jace pointed.

"Magnus lives in a warehouse?" Clary asked. Maximilian rolled his eyes at that.

"Not exactly. Warlock glamour." Jace explained to her.

Rosemary looked around with a frown as a weird feeling spreads in her chest. "Guys, something is wrong. It shouldn't be too easy to get this close. His protective wards are down." She said with concern lacing in her voice.

"You... don't get in the way." Alec demanded to Clary.

They were interrupted when a grunt was heard and turned to see a Circle member killing a warlock. Their eyes widened as panic rushed through Rosemary, "Shit!" She immediately took off to find the high warlock of Brooklyn, ignoring her brother's call for her.

Maximilian approached the warlock that was killed as the others went to fight off other Circle members. He watched as a little girl knelt beside the death Warlock, "Daddy? Daddy, get up, please!" She begged while shaking his body.

He then saw the Circle member that sneaks up behind the little girl and quickly run over to them. "Get the hell away from her!" He yelled and kicked the Circle member with all his might, taking out two daggers with one hand.

The little girl runs towards him and hid behind him as he held her small hand. He flashed his red eyes at the Circle member that caused him to widen his eyes at the werewolf, "The Blood King. I always wanted to meet you."

Maximilian narrowed his eyes, "Glad I'm the last thing you'll see." Before throwing his daggers at him without letting him say anything, killing him successfully.

He sighed and crouched down in front of the little girl. "I'm gonna protect you, okay?" The little girl nodded and he picked her up with his one arm as he retrieved his daggers, making sure she wasn't looking when he pulled the daggers out.


Rosemary entered one room and sees Magnus fighting off a Circle member, but he had a struggle killing the member.

The Circle member was swaying his seraph blade left to right, "Cat eyes. Be a nice addition to my collection." That made Rosemary upset and threw the dagger that she stole from her brother with her vamp speed and strength.

『 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 』 ᵃˡᵉᶜ ˡⁱᵍʰᵗʷᵒᵒᵈWhere stories live. Discover now