10. | Kidnapped again

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ALEC AND MAXIMILIAN FOUND THE RED HEAD standing in front of the Brooklyn Academy of Arts and was about to approach her when they heard her phone ring

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ALEC AND MAXIMILIAN FOUND THE RED HEAD standing in front of the Brooklyn Academy of Arts and was about to approach her when they heard her phone ring. They looked at each other and made a 'i'm-so-done' face before approaching her.

"Why'd you ran out?" Alec asked before glancing down at her bag, "And what's the point of an invisibility rune if you don't silence your phone?"

Maximilian stood beside him with arms crossed above his chest, disapproving look on his face as he glared at the red head. "The fact that you claim yourself to be a Shadowhunter but can't even do the simple task of silencing your phone and staying in the Institute makes me want to laugh at your face." He insulted, not even having his usual playful tone.

Clary looked at him apologetically as she felt intimidated under his glare, while Alec raised his brows questioningly. The Toussaint rolled his eyes at the Archer, "What? I don't want the Clave on my tail." He grumbled.

Alec turned back to Clary and frowned, "It was childish, sneaking out like that."

Clary ignored him and answered the call from Simon as she walked away from them. "Simon. Hey. I know I should have called you right back. I'm really sorry, are you okay?" The duo exchanged a look and followed Clary who stood a little further away from them, Maximilian sitting down on the ground and leaning his back against a pole as he tuned them out.

The Lightwood gave him a look, but he ignored it and took out his phone to scroll through social media. His battery was still on seventy-two percent which surprised him. Suddenly his phone started ringing and Rosemary's name appeared on his screen, his finger quickly pressing the answer button to pick up the call.

"Sup, little sis? Had sex with the magical warlock?" He asked right after picking up the call and heard Rosemary's laugh and the sound of someone choking in the background from the other side of the line. "Am I on speaker phone?" He asked sheepishly.

Rosemary laughed again, "Yes, you are!" Only to hear Magnus's 'your brother is so inappropriate!' from the background. "Just wanted to check up on my big brother. Sorry I didn't stay at the Institute when the reason I went there was so we could catch up on each other." She apologized.

Maximilian chuckled, "It's fine. At least you got your damn man now." He looked up at the two standing in front of him, "I'm with Alec and Clary right now in the Brooklyn Academy of Art."

He then heard Alec commenting, "Mundanes. Look at them. Running around like ants." To which he snorted, stopping himself from laughing. Alec gestured for him to stand up and he did without dropping the call as he continued to talk with his sister. "Let's go." Alec started to walk away but Clary stopped him with a question.

"Why do you always looks so miserable?"

Alec gave her a look, "I don't." He replied shortly, glancing at Maximilian who was still talking with his sister without a care in their conversation.

『 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 』 ᵃˡᵉᶜ ˡⁱᵍʰᵗʷᵒᵒᵈWhere stories live. Discover now