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I've read somewhere that anxiety feels like going down the stairs and missing a step- but constantly. It's a gut clenching feeling that makes us insecure and rude. Anxiety makes you feel and take everything personally even when it's not.
I don't know if im the only person but sometimes im too tired to feel. Like im emotionally drained and adding to the masses of feelings would just crumble me. Its hard to explain to others why you don't answer to texts or phone calls, why you're so worried or paranoid, why you're too tired even doing nothing. It's hard to explain how you're so tired but your brain won't let you sleep. It's hard because people associate those emotions as the consequences of external issues- when they're not. The problem isn't the situation, it's the way I allow my brain to deal with it.
In this case, I do recommend to seek someone professionally and work on your mental health.

But here's how I dealt with it: I didn't. I have a friend who's going through the same thing as I am. It felt good not to feel alone. But don't believe that if you're not alone you're anxiety is gonna be any easier.
If I could seek help right now I would, but neither can I afford it nor do I have the chance to. So if there's fifty percent chances you could seek help right now, please do not hesitate.

It took me a while to understand the concept of feeling. Its fascinating how something out of our control could impact us in such a way.

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