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DESPITE THEIR MANY, many differences, one of the very few things that Lily Evans was willingly to admit she had in common with the likes of James Potter was that they both agreed the Christmas Season started on November 1st ━━ And, to be honest, they may well have been the only ones. You see, according to James and Lily, as soon the pumpkins from the day before are being taken down, the trees to celebrate the next holiday should be going up.

                    This was very much to the annoyance of all the other Gryffindor's.

Lily's dorm mates were all for Christmas. Really, they were. But they thought that dragging a rather large tree that spilt pine leaves all over the ground into their dorm on November 1st and then forcing them to decorate it was rather excessive. Especially when there was still candy wrappers on the floor from the prior evening. Likewise, James' friends were rather bothered by him bellowing Christmas carols during his morning shower ━━ As well as every other morning shower for the next two months ━━ when they still had It's Cool to be a Ghoul stuck in their heads from the Halloween Feast. Lily, on the other hand, had taken quite a liking to James' immoderate holiday spirit. In fact, it was one of the very few things about him that she didn't have to force herself to tolerate. The two of them had even worked together to help their prefects, Alice Fawley and Nolan Bones, decorate the Christmas tree in the Gryffindor common room.

The tree in the first year boys dorm was a little more bleak in comparison to the two Lily had helped decorate, but that was mainly due to lack of space, resources and assistance. Remus was far too exhausted to help out ━━ Although he could not possibly be more blunt about the fact that he simply didn't care ━━ and, without any embellishment whatsoever, Sirius had just refused to go anywhere near it. Peter had tried to provide some semblance of assistance to James, but it was all a little too hard. No matter how desperately he wanted to focus on it, James struggled to concentrate on things for long periods of times. So when James got sidetracked, Peter gave up too.

It was now the twenty second of December, and the half decorated Christmas tree sat idly in the corner of the boys dormitory. Peter was kneeling on the floor while Remus sat cross legged on Peter's bed, as the two of them engaged in a not━so━intense game of wizards chess. James sat restlessly on his own bed, unsure of what to do with himself. All he wanted to think about was going home to see his parents tomorrow, but he was becoming easily distracted by his friends chess match, as well as observing Sirius, who had taken to carving up one of the floorboards with his pocket knife.

Finally, Peter softly announced "checkmate" and Remus slumped back into the pillows, glad that his friend had reached the inevitable outcome.

Peter tilted his head and frowned at Sirius, who was sitting all the way on the other side of the room, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he slowly sliced through the wooden floors. "Are you afraid of the Christmas tree or something?"

12 Days of Christmas ━━ James Potter & Lily EvansWhere stories live. Discover now