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tw: very brief mention of eating disorder

tw: very brief mention of eating disorder

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                    JAMES AND LILY were both beyond excited to be having their respective best friends over for the Christmas Holidays. Of course, James always spent the holiday season with Marlene, but this year he was particularly looking forward to the added bonus of Sirius staying over as well. After the fiasco that had taken place at Hogwarts last Christmas, McGonagall had strongly advised that ━━ If possible ━━ James, Sirius and Severus should all find a way to go home for the break.

                    Although his parents had praised his kind gesture to stay at school with his best friend, James had also been scolded last year for not just bringing Sirius home with him in the first place. So there was really no bad scenario for James this year, because now he was going to be spending Christmas with both of his best friends and his parents in the warmth of his own home.

                    Lily had been present when Professor McGonagall had asked Severus if he was going to be going home for the holidays, so when he expressed to her that his parents would be going out of town and he had nowhere to stay, Lily saw it fit to invite him home with her. She recalled James volunteering to stay at Hogwarts with Sirius the year prior, and briefly contemplated doing the same thing, but eventually decided against it. After all, McGonagall wanted them out of the castle, not more of them staying in. Though she assumed that sentiment was mainly targeted at the likes of James and Sirius, she decided to give her professor a break and aim to abide by it as well. So, Lily enthusiastically suggested that Severus should come and spend Christmas with her family, and after she ran the idea by her parents and got their approval, she insisted that he spend the holidays at her house.

 So, Lily enthusiastically suggested that Severus should come and spend Christmas with her family, and after she ran the idea by her parents and got their approval, she insisted that he spend the holidays at her house

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                   No one in Gryffindor house appreciated Lily's use of a gramophone to blast her muggle Christmas music. Well, no one other than James, of course.

     "Ugh, stupid thing," Lily grumbled. The music had flickered, making a very unpleasant sound which caused everyone in the common room to cover their ears and glare at her. She banged the sound horn frustratedly with the palm of her right hand and the melodious tune of I'll be home for Christmas by Elvis Presley continued to play. She sighed with relief and looked up at everyone apologetically. "Sorry!"

12 Days of Christmas ━━ James Potter & Lily EvansWhere stories live. Discover now