Chapter 1

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I remembered it all so well, August the 8th 2005. I had no friends, no one because I was the new kid in class. Everyone was shy to greet the new kid on the block. We moved to Carolina 9 years ago to start new. My dad got promoted to head doctor and my mom, well she was a writer so she was always good wherever we went. At that time, Suzzie, my little sister was 4 years old so she couldn't hardly remember anything. That only left me, I wasn't so good with detaching from people nor things even if I were that young. At that time, I cried my eyes out. I couldn't just leave our home in Arizona. What would happen to our garden? Or to our tables and cabinets, the cabinets Ive been placing my toys on. Will they be left out to rust and rot? I seriously had some attachment issues when I was younger, even up till now.

As I was saying August 8, 2005, I ate lunch alone very silently at the cafeteria. Everyone had friends and I was the only person sitting alone, on the farthest corner. I remembered it was very lonely. During arts class our teacher had an activity which needed 2 people. As usual I was left alone, without any partner but I was so glad when someone gave me a toothless hi.

"Hi Im Alexander. Are you new here? " He said smiling very much.

"Yes. I came from Arizona, where its always sunny." I said proudly.

"whats your name?" He asked.

"Kristine Clarkson" I said shyly.

"Oh Krishtine is such a pretty name." He smiled.

"How about I call you Krish." He said again,

I just nodded.

"Hi Krish, Im Alexander lets be the bestest friends ever." He smiled so innocently at that time that it could make anyones heart melt.

"Okay." I said smiling.

"Lets be partners too!" He said, never wavering that toothless smile of his.

Alexander and I became the best of friends for 5 years. I was never alone anymore. We ate lunch together always. We had other friends but it was different between us two, we were two peas in a pod. We were always together, inseparable. Like some kind of hero with his side kick. (Of course I was the side kick. I always was.) We had fights too of course but just shallow ones, we are best friends so fighting is good too. My family knows him and vice versa. We were basically brothers from another mother. We were strictly just friends, no shit sherlock with that 'friends with benefits thing'.

We were freshmen's at that time when he had to move to New York because his dad the owner of their family business, hit the jackpot. The guys in New York wanted Mr. Smith to have his main branch moved to NY.

Being the cry baby that I was, of course I cried for 2 and a half months for my lost brother. I was an emotional wreck at that time until Miranda befriended me. She was the sassy yet humorous girl in class with the brains and look. She often didn't talk to anybody and was kind of a social outcast. I thought that she was scary or bitchy at first because girl she really was, but then she really wasn't that much of a kind. Sure she was straightforward and sometimes mean and bossy but everyone loved her for that. In fact she wasn't really an outcast, she was too good for them to actually begin with. Miranda Clare's befriended me and I was made a new girl.

For the past four and a half years I was doing fine, Alexander and I had little communication, but we are still friends though.

It was in the second day of Junior High when he first showed up unrecognizable. Of course anyone would be shocked to see him now, he was flawless and charming. No more braces and toothless smiles. No more oily skin and emo hair. Blond hazelnut hair tucked neatly to the side. No facial hair. He was obviously working out because his muscles were bulging from his shirt. Height as tall as the Empire State. I only recognized him because he had the same chocolate brown eyes that I have looked upon for more than 5 years. All in all he was very dazzling.

He passed through my seat. He smelled of perfume which I didn't like very much. It was too un masuline for my type. He stopped on his tracks with eyes as big as Jupiter.

"Krish is that you?" He said surprised.

"Nope sorry. Who are you?" I tried to joke around.

"Still the joker I see but I cant blame you. Ive changed a lot haven't I? And don't tell me your not Krish, I would recognize that fiery red hair of yours anywhere in the world." He smiled with his dimples showing.

"Oh." I said.

Fiery red hair, it really is him. Wait. Did he even have dimples before?

"But if you truly do not know me, its Alexander. Im back." He grinned again.

"Oh Im confused." I asked.

"Why? Am I too handsomely confusing now?" He asked jokingly.

"Actually no. Im confused if you're Alexander or back. You said 'its Alexander' and 'I'm back'. So who really are you?" I tried to stop the stifling laugh I had.

His face was puzzled and then he got my stupid joke and he chuckled a lot, that chuckle that he always had. The boyish kind of chuckle that makes you fall in love.

"Corny, as always." He smiled.

"Okay lets move on. Sit down will you. You're so tall you're kind of making me feel really infuriated with the height gap. Plus you're garnering so much attention." I spazzed.

"So what brought you back to the wonderful and not so wonderful Chicago?" I asked.

It was always our habit to place after a word the opposite of what it really means. Like, beautifully not beautiful or deliciously not delicious. I wonder if he still remembers.

"Well I came back to the impeccably not so impeccable Chicago because I missed this place. I miss our old house. I missed my friends. I missed you." He said.

He missed me. I don't know but that gave me a little spark in the engine.

"You missed me too didn't you? After all I am your number one right?" He smiled.

"Yep number one fan." I agreed.

"Well that too but Im still number 1 in your heart right?" He asked seriously.

Why did that sound so sweet? I shouldn't be expecting things, especially when its from my best friend.

Cricket sounds.

Say something Krish or it will get awkward.

"Yep number one in my kidney too." I replied.

"What???" He said laughing without any hesitations.

"Kidney? For real??" He laughed again.

"Yep kidneys because kids and knees. Ha ha" i tried my best to joke again.

"Can there be anyone else more cornier than you??" He laughed a bunch, again.

"God I really did miss you Krish." He smiled at me with that boyish grin and dimples, those freakin cute dimples that cut deep through my heart.

Then the bell rang and Mrs. Monette arrived before i could even say a reply to what Alex said.

Even if Mrs. Monette didn't arrive nor even if the bell hadn't rang I was pretty sure I couldn't formulate a not so baffled answer to give to Alex.

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